This paper will attempt to illustrate the issue if Imperialism presented by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri’s piece Empire.

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        It may seem ludicrous and bizarre at this historical juncture to suggest, as Hardt and Negri do, that imperialism is a thing of the past, having been replaced by “Empire.”  The suggestions that colonialism and imperialism as we have known them for over a century are things of the past are false, in that imperialism has transformed itself under the banner of “Globalization” This paper will attempt to illustrate the issue if Imperialism or Globalization presented by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri’s piece Empire along with other pieces, in conjunction with developments in world politics since September 11, 2001.

        The United Sates was set on starting a war in Southwestern Asia.  Right wing ideologues in the government speak openly of redrawing the map of the region to align it with American interests.  The map may end up being redrawn, however more by default then by plan, as the ragtag politicians with whom the U.S hopes to replace Saddam Hussein are unlikely to achieve more politically than to legitimize a U.S/British oil grab from France, Russia and China.  It may be simplistic to attribute the crisis in Southwestern Asia to the greed of U.S oil corporations or the U.S government’s pursuit for the control of oil, but it is also not possible to ignore evidence suggesting this, which is coming out despite efforts to conceal it behind talk of weapons of mass destruction.  

        The idea of control over oil, wherever it may be, seems to excite the oilmen currently in charge of the government in Washington D.C, into frenzies of colonial longing.  Iraq is in many ways the last piece in the nearly complete encirclement of oil and gas fields around the Caspian Sea Furthermore, In light of the news from North Korea that has surfaced since mid-October, one wonders what part oil may play in U.S government thinking.  This is because of the fact that the U.S administration seems to believe that the issue of weapons of mass destruction may be resolved through diplomatic means in East Asia but not in the Middle East.  What is going on?

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        The evidence of the push towards imperialism needs to be placed in the contexts of both U.S politics, and the broader structural context of Global Capitalism.  There is little need to dwell on the tragic situation in the U.S created by the terrorist acts of September 11 and in the ways in which those events have played into the hands of a particularly reactionary administration in Washington.   It is arguable that the last two decades of the twentieth century will appear in the history as a period of transition marked by the end of colonialism after World War Two, ...

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