What are the main arguments concerning reform of the United Nations?

What is the likely future of the UN?

Frankly, we firstly need to know what UN itself is. The United Nations (UN) is an organisation that was established after the Second World War. Article one of The Charter of the UN states that UN have four main original purposes and principals. The first, is to maintain international peace and security; the second is to develop friendly relations among nations based on equality; the third is to achieve international cooperation in solving problems in economical, social, cultural or humanitarian issues and the fourth purpose is to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in accordance with the above stated purposes and principles (1948). The United Nations is international organization made up of international institutions. UN includes their  own Central system and specialized agencies. These specialized agencies deal with huge and complex questions. Our current question is to define main arguments concerning reform of the UN. According to report made by Allison Goody and Marcus Pistorwe can define two main aspects concerning reform of UN system and their policy. This essay will consist three parts which will be about main  arguments and they are following: first, is about legitimacy and effectiveness of the United Nations; second is need for a more effective system of multilateral governance from UN; third is about what is likely future of UN.  

Yes, UN needs reform but there are a lot of disagreements on it. As said in article about UN reform in Globalpolicy.org   United States with military superpower a transitional headquarters clearly wants UN to be weak with very small budget and without any voice in economic matters. On the other hand many countries wants UN to be stronger and more efficient military policy making.  As Henry Nau said:

“The reforms are very controversial and reflect continuing differences among the perspectives. Realist perspectives seek great accountability by great powers. Liberal perspectives seek wider and fairer representation. Identity perspectives seek stronger democratic norms, particularly in the human rights area. When the new Human rights Council was set up in 2006, the United States wanted members elected by two-thirds of the Assembly membership, giving democratic nations blocking power. But the majority of members, still nondemocratic, insisted on simple majority vote.”  

According to these words we can clearly understand that perspectives of reforms are different from each other. All these side giving valuable arguments of their perspectives and to say that one of them giving right perspectives and offers will not be right answer to choose. They are trying to make situation better for them and of course they trying to improve UN system for better side too. As Henry Nau mentioned powerful states will chose to gain more power in their hands. Because their view point is through realist view of the situation and it will give them more dominating position in this world. And less powerful states choosing liberal position because they want to make situation more liberal and spread all the power more equally between all the members.

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If we come to our permanent members we can surely state that all permanent members are very powerful states like United States, Russia, United Kingdom, France and China. It will not be a surprise for us that view points of powerful states are more realistic rather than liberal. United States have their super power in military and economy all over the world. Russia has their power from ancient times known as Soviet Union in military economy, and natural resources field. United Kingdom is well known for all of us by their great economy and as the most stable country.  France ...

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