Kunjal Rajyagor                Student ID: 4051749


Approaches to Politics Studies 07/08

On hearing the word politics, claimed and enhanced by dictionary definition as “the practice of the art or science of directing and administering states or other politics units” 1 what usually springs to mind are images of government, politicians and their policies or more negatively the idea of corruption and dirty tricks? The actual definition seems to have been obscured and almost lost by such representations and clichés that tend not to pinpoint the true essence, which defines this thing, called politics.  Politics in its broadest sense appears to be the activity through which people make, preserve and amend the general rules under which they live. Although conversely, Politics is also an academic subject- sometimes identified by the use of “Politics” with the capital P- it is clearly the study of this apparent activity.

Politics can thus be claimed to be inextricably linked to the phenomena of conflict and cooperation, since on the one hand, the existence of rival opinions, different wants, competing needs and opposing interests guarantee disagreement about the rules under which people live.   On the other hand, people recognise that, in order to influence these rules or ensure that they are upheld, they must work with each other; hence Hannah Arendt’s definition of political power as “acting in concert”.2

1: McMillan and McLean, Oxford Concise Dictionary of Politics, Oxford University Press, New York 2003. 2nd Edition.

2: Leah Bradshaw, Acting and Thinking: the political thought of Hannah Arendt

Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 22,  No.4 (Dec. 1989) p906-908

However, Politics in this broad sense is better thought of as a search for conflict resolution than as its achievement, as not all conflicts are, or can be resolved.

Never the less, the inescapable presence of diversity- the claim that we are not all alike- and scarcity-the fact that there is never enough to go around- ensures that Politics is an inevitable feature of mankind. However this is no definition.

 In order to make an attempt at a definition of politics a systematic approach is required. To begin with, a brief historical overview will be considered, to understand the origins of politics. Following this, different core concepts, which are imperative to a definition of politics, will be discussed, in the hope to discover a true and fair interpretation of the word politics.

The word politics comes from the Greek word "polis", meaning the state or community as a whole. The concept of the "polis" was an ideal state and came from the writings of great political thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle. In his novel "The Republic", Plato describes the ideal state and the means to achieve it. Hence, the word politics originally has connotations in the ways in which to create the ideal society. An ideal society is in practice a rather difficult aim and even an impossible aim to achieve. Politics implies measures which could and should, in the views of their devisor, be implemented in the hope to create a better society, than that which is already present. The very fact that Plato and Aristotle saw imperfections in the societies, in which they lived, prompted them to write their political philosophies. These philosophies provided the first written recognition of politics. In his writings his "The Politics", Aristotle states that "Man is by nature a political animal" 3

3: Aristotle (1996) The Politics and the Constitution of Athens (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

 in another words, it lies deep within the instinct of man. It is almost primal.  For Aristotle, this made politics the “master science”; (that is, nothing less than the activity through which human beings attempt to improve their lives and create the Good Society) because people disagree. They disagree about how they should live, who should get what? How should power and resources be distributed?

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Thus, due to his nature man should consider and realise his role within the "polis". So according to Aristotle Politics is not a dreamt up concept, but rather an inherent feature of mankind.

To begin with, the basest premise that underpins the notion of politics should be considered in order to arrive at a fair definition. Man is self-preserving by nature. He thinks and acts, whether that is as an individual or as a group who share interests, with foremost regard to his own interests. Self-perpetuation is the number one rule. He therefore possesses his own interests, ideas and ...

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