When, if ever, should states interfere in each other's internal affairs?

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When, if ever, should states interfere in each other’s internal affairs?

The issue of state interference is a hugely contentious one in International Relations. Interference occurs on a daily basis; economic decisions by one state have impacts on others, is this interference? A decision not to honour an agreement to play cricket matches in a particular state has implications, but is this interference? This essay shall limit its discussion to cases of interference, particularly of a military nature, that are purposely pursued by states to modify the internal structure or policy of another state. It is the premise of this essay that there are two clear situations in which the interference by one or more states into the internal affairs of another is justified; self defence, and the protection of human rights.

This essay shall begin with some necessary definition; of intervention, sovereignty, and human rights. These definitions are by no means accepted by all, but a general conception of such ideas, acceptable (if too brief) for most, shall be reached. It shall be seen that sovereignty in particular can be interpreted in different ways, which has an enormous impact on the contention of this essay. Subsequently, this essay shall examine the first situation in which intervention is acceptable; self-defence. It is relatively uncontroversial and therefore forms a minimal part of this piece; it concerns the interference of states into each other’s affairs when there exists a clear threat to the independence of the former state. Such interference is justified on grounds of ‘self-defence’ and is recognised as legitimate. However, as will be seen, there are certain controversies surrounding this and these shall be investigated. The third part of this essay shall suggest justification on grounds of humanity. On this front, the basis of this essay shall be largely moral nature. Though considerations of politics, law and others are crucial to understanding this topic, a moral basis for argument allows the essay to answer the question of should rather than the question of will. It will be seen that the norm of non-intervention, suggested by Michael Walzer, and largely accepted, does not allow for intervention where intervention is warranted. It is suggested that Walzer’s formulation is flawed: he is too arbitrary in deciding what constitutes serious crimes and sets the bar for intervention too high. It will also be seen that Walzer’s theory suggests the existence of global moral values, which in turn allow for his theory to be nullified. The existence of global moral values suggests that Walzer’s theory overstates the importance of community rights at the expense of the individual. By drawing on a more liberal conception of the individual and the community, this essay suggests that a much broader exception to the norm of non-intervention should be allowed. The existence of global moral values also allows for states to judge one another by neutral standards; a contentious suggestion. Finally, this essay shall discuss some of some of the difficulties associated with its main premise and the objections raised by realist thinkers. The difficulty in distinguishing between humanitarian motives and more selfish, national interest-based calculations of intervention is chief among these. It shall be concluded that little can be done to resolve this dilemma given the current state of international relations and international organisations, notably the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Consequently, while this essay suggests when and why states can interfere in each other’s affairs, it recognises that the practical application of such a theory is unlikely.

This essay shall briefly consider some definitions of the relevant terminology used in the interference-sovereignty discourse. Sovereignty is a much debated topic. Generally it can be construed in two ways. Firstly, as the legitimate rule over a defined territory; this is internal sovereignty. The second definition of sovereignty, external (or state-) sovereignty is the idea that such a territory be autonomous from external influence. These are often termed “internal control and external autonomy.” However, as degrees of control and autonomy tend to vary over time, many find it more beneficial to define sovereignty as authority, “the right to rule over a defined territory and the population residing within it.” This brings together the internal and external aspects. In addition, rather than stating that sovereignty is an attribute of statehood, in the sense that states possess sovereignty because they are states, this essay takes the view that sovereignty is a necessary condition for statehood. This can be seen in moral and legal grounds. The moral concept stems from the idea of ‘popular sovereignty’; the population confer powers on the state to act on its behalf, in the form of a social contract. The legal grounds for this interpretation can also be seen in the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States (1933), which implies sovereignty as a pre-condition of statehood, not a characteristic.

What constitutes a Human Right is also a matter of huge debate. There is not the scope in this essay to give this subject the attention it deserves. However, two broad types of definitions can be identified; those concerned with negative rights, which include the right not to be killed and the right not to be tortured; and those concerned with positive rights, such as the right to food, to shelter, to water etc. For the purposes of this essay, Human Rights shall be considered to be those of the negative kind. This is partly due to practical reasons; one could argue that the UK fails in providing positive human rights (to the homeless for example), but foreign, military intervention in this sense would be absurd. The other reason is that the cases of human right’s abuses that have been the concern of the international community have focused on these negative rights.

As has already been noted, interference will be taken, for the purposes of this essay, to mean the use of military force, either in self defence or in an attempt at humanitarian intervention. This is not to downplay the other forms of interference, such as economic sanctions, diplomatic pressure or even the distribution of aid. All of these factor and more can and do interfere with the internal affairs of states. However, the use of military force takes such interference to a higher level, often involving the intended loss of life. Such interference in an attempt to alter, against the wishes of the government of the ‘target’ state is thus the most invasive form of interference and the subject of this essay. The first instance in which such force is justified is when it is used in self-defence. This essay shall now turn to this subject.

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Self-defence is the least contentious reasons for inter-state interference. Ever since states came into being and the principle of sovereignty first widely applied, states are formally seen to be independent of one another. Any violation of this independence legitimises interference against the violator to the effect of halting the violation. The right to self-defence, either by one state or many, is firmly established in the international system and enshrined in international law. Article 51 of the United Nation’s Charter speaks of an “inherent right of individual or collective self-defence.” Thus, the first Gulf War (1990), in which a US-led coalition ...

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