Who is to blame for crime: the individual or society?

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ASC-103                                                                                        Student Number: 404896

Student Number:  404896

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Essay Title:   2/ Who is to blame for crime: the individual or society?

    With a big amount of criminal's records, people are now more concerning about the reason for committing crime. However, who should we blame for the increasing number of crimes? Is it the individual problems or social problems? Should we say it is people problems in society or people in problem society? According to Gottfredson and Hirschi, lack of self-control and a lack of individual responsibility are at the root of all criminal responsibility. (Gottfredson and Hirschi, 1990) However, social blame is the most popular explanative of poverty in nearly all of the twenty countries studied. (A. Freda, Gerhard O.W. Muller, William S. Laufer, 2007). The following essay is going to discuss about individual and social explanations of causing crime and hence, we might know more about who is to blame for crime.

   Individual and social are two main points in the causes of crimes. In individual explanation, family and personal causes are considered and it is defined as internal factors. In classicism, crime was believed to be the result of choice. People were thought to have free will so if they committed crimes; it was because they were bad and chose to break the law. External factors, which are also social explanation, are including government problems and society problems. Positivists believe that human behaviour is determined by external factors and we do not have free will. Both internal and external factors are important in analyzing the causes of crimes: most offenders committed crime is because of the external problems at the beginning. For example, X loses much money while gambling; X then develop a desperate need for money, because rent and other bills are due’ other individuals refuse to lend X money; and X later robs someone. (Agnew, Robert, 2006) The external problem in this case is X do not have enough money as long as failed to seek for helps, therefore X intends to rob in order to pay for the bills.

    In discussing individual factors, Group Socialization (GS) theory (Harris, 1995) argues that parents and peers are both important. As we spent most of our time with our families, the ways which our parents taught will definitely affect our choices in future. Parents through poor socialization processes are said to encourage the development of delinquent and adult offending behaviour. (Lisa M. McCartan, 2007) And as we know culture, religion and knowledge are three main categories which affect individual behaviours the most through out their life especially during the formative year. If a family is poor and not well educated, they do not realize that the future of their child is highly influence by educations and they do not know how to teach their children in a proper way or even do not know how to solve problems without violence. Then, a bad model was shown to their children and hence their children are more likely to solve problems in an inappropriate way such as fighting.

Besides, caring from parents is also one of the issues affecting the causes of crime. As in developing children’s mental health, parents' care is very important and it is easier for them to commit crime if they were lack of guidance and supports. Also, low expectations from parents may leads to a decrease in their self-discipline. They might easily try something which they thought is exciting such as stealing, drugs, etc. In addition, as teenagers are defined as the period of rebels, therefore suitable cares and guidance from parents would increase their senses of crime and hence reduce the number of crimes. Moreover, broken families do have great impacts on children mentally health. Some researches had shown that compared to children from intact families, children living in single-parent families participate in more delinquency, have lower educational achievements and demonstrate poorer overall adjustment as adults. (Acock, A.C., & Kiecolt, K., 1989) These children were actually facing a discourage problem and they tend to blame their parents for not having a perfect family, so they need more cares from others and guidance in order to lead their lives more healthy.

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Also, lack of communication between parents and children is another important cause. Since parents and children may have different point of views, this will lead to a generational value conflicts. For example, in adult values, they wish to have stability, responsibility, achievement, efficiency, etc. However, in youth values, pleasure, excitement, adventure and freedoms are more important to them. Therefore, teenagers may feel their parents were too stubborn in controlling their life. This could be explained by attachment style, according to Hirschi (1969), attachment between parent and child is paramount and that the strength of this relationship is the ...

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