Why are black people and minority ethnic groups more likely to experience poverty than the white population?

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By Rakesh Kumar


Why are black people and minority ethnic groups more likely to experience poverty than the white population?


Poverty can take many forms they could be low levels of incomes or not being able to secure resources to have a sustained livelihood, hunger and malnutrition, ill health, low levels of access to education and the simple necessities like sanitation, high rates of morbidity and also mortality caused by illness, being homeless or inadequate housing, being in unsafe environments and finally social exclusion or discrimination. Poverty is a problem internationally and nationally. But what we see is that black people and other ethnic minorities are more likely to experience poverty.  So for the purpose of this essay I will discuss the reasons behind this, the way in which I will approach this will be by firstly discussing Migration, settlement and social security. Then I will discuss the lack of employment as a cause of poverty, then low levels of education leads to poverty, poor housing and urban spaces living in poverty, racism and discrimination. Then finally I will draw all my findings together so that I can reach a detailed and comprehensive conclusion.

So to begin according to Millar (2009:80-81) The UK saw high levels of inward migration who came from the commonwealth now former commonwealth countries to offer their services i.e. labour. First to come were from the Caribbean then from India and Pakistan then from Bangladesh. The migration was mostly male but amongst Caribbean’s a large number of women came who took work in health the health service. Also expulsion made Vietnamese and East African Asian families about 1970. The main immigration for employment has been at idle, where family reunification and fertility were the main reasons for the group’s expansion. And also refugees have contributed range of minorities in the UK like also the new asylum seekers from within Europe and from further.

Millar (2009:81) explains how early migrants came for employment where they were mostly working in manufacture, and in industrial jobs like textile mills which deceased rapidly extensively due to deindustrialization. Then instead of being mostly in northern industrial towns started to populate the midlands and London where they were forced to settle in poor areas, you begin to see here signs of poverty beginning. This lead to low educational opportunities and also restricted opportunities for non migrants, this will be discussed further in detail later. The minorities found themselves in volatile employment sectors where discrimination was ripe, they were all concentrated in these poor areas where Pakistanis and mainly Bangladeshis and also Black Caribbean’s, it was difficult to get qualifications, there were high levels of unemployment amongst Black Caribbean’s, Pakistanis and mainly Bangladeshis what also could be seen was an increasing rate of self employment amongst the Indians, Chinese and Pakistanis.

Minority ethnic groups “are disproportionately represented among the Department for Work and pensions (DWPs) most disadvantaged customer group facing multiple complex barriers to work including employer attitudes, area based factors, human capital and negotiating identities in relation to family life, religious and cultural values and work. In the UK, poor welfare outcomes for migrant and minority ethnic groups have been identified in terms of poverty, housing, education, health, labour market participation and the criminal justice system” Millar (2009:81). What we also find when it comes to benefits is that professionals find and managers find it hard to respond to the requirements of other cultures due them being complex. According to Millar (2009:83) there are dangers of simple approaches to questions that are demonstrated in the discussion of ethnic managerialism in the benefits agency (Law, 1997) where a failed attempt to adequately identify minority’s needs this can lead to poor service. A National Evaluation of sure start, which was a cross departmental plan where the aims were to improve the life chances of children under the age of four who were growing up in poverty ridden areas, claimed that they had failed to tackle ethnicity, which in its execution was prejudiced or just completely lacking. So the outcomes for ethnic groups could not be even identified and failed in monitoring ethnic detail, also claims that this had been happening for decades.

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Education according to Mason (2003:53) is an important predictor of poverty, but also between ethnic minorities is quite is quite diverse. Generally looking at ethnic minorities they can be split into 2 categories in terms of educational achievement, first Caribbean, Pakistani and Bangladeshi ethnic groups on average are have a lower qualification level than their white counterparts. But Indian, African Asian, Chinese and African ethnic groups on average are more likely to have higher levels of qualifications which are A levels and higher education. Policy studies Institute claimed in their fourth national survey of ethnic minorities in 1994 that starting ...

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This essay aimed to discuss the reasons why black and minority ethnic (BME) people are more likely to experience poverty. There is lots of potential for a strong essay, but there are several areas for improvement. Firstly the writer has not identified where their viewpoint originates. Is it from personal experience or has it been confirmed via research? Next, key areas that may cause poverty were discussed by at times, not in enough depth or with enough clarity, the latter, mainly due to poor grammar. At degree level such grammar errors would not be expected. Lastly, there are huge generalisations made (as noted on page 5), which is not in keeping with the social work values of being non-judgemental and engaging in anti-oppressive practice. These values should be borne in mind when writing essays on such emotive topics. 2/5