Why has the movement to European Unity developed such hostility?

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Why has the movement to European Unity  developed such hostility?

        The prospect of a united Europe has been in the minds of people since ancient times. The Romans, during their heyday, desired to conquer the entire European continent, and nearly succeeded. It is seemingly only now though that European Unity could fully succeed (taken from www.June29.com). There are though a number of barriers to increased unity, namely barriers of both legal and economic sovereignty.

        One of the major concerns of government and the educated of Europe is the reduction in sovereignty that increased European unity would entail. There is a conflict within much of Europe and especially within the United Kingdom over whether the EU should become increasingly supranational or increasingly intergovernmental. Despite broad acceptance of the supranational principle, national governments have been reluctant to cede control over all policy areas to EU institutions (taken from http://encarta.msn.com). The increased use of Qualified Majority Voting in the Council of Ministers (in preference of unanimity) indicates though that the EU is becoming more of a Supranational organisation.

        The fear of a loss of national Identity- Increased association with Europe in preference to GB. The EU is making a concerted effort to indoctrinate School children to think as European and not British. Once the children think European the Parents will soon follow. A report in the Guardian newspaper of 27 February indicated the existence of a team of psychologists and cultural experts, recruited by the European Commission to target school children in the promotion of economic and monetary union. Schoolchildren are identified by the team as "strong vectors of information on the Euro" to sell the new single currency to a sceptical public. Education Departments of local authorities across Europe are being advised to start preparing textbooks, and teaching aids promoting Europe (taken from http://www.marxist.com). This could also explain why the British National Party is opposed to the European Union.

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         The attempt of a common defence policy is also strongly protested against in the UK because it affects the status of the monarchy withdrawing one of the Queen’s few remaining prerogative powers. The desire of some countries to build a common defence policy is resisted by others that insist that at best a European defence force can only be supportive of and subordinated to NATO.

        The further unity of the European Union is being held back by the unaccountability of Community Law (the most powerful law in the European Union, overruling all domestic legislation); the Legislature of the European Union; ...

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