Why might parliamentary democracy be superior to presidential democracy?

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7. Why might parliamentary democracy be superior to presidential democracy?

Parliamentary democracy and presidential democracy are alike in many ways when comparisons are drawn from two similarly strong western liberal democratic systems. They both enjoy the same fundamental principles of liberal democracy, with those living under this system enjoying the same rights and freedoms with comparable economic conditions. The real difference between these two systems lies in the division of power. The main modes of comparison that shall be utilised in this essay shall deal mainly with the exercise of power. The power that different players within the system hold, how they exercise this power and the checks in place to control their power. The flexibility of the regime, can it cope with crisis?

In order to answer these questions a comparison will be drawn between the Parliamentary Westminster model of Britain and the Presidential system of France. By comparing these two models it shall be shown that for many varying reasons that parliamentary democracy is superior to presidential democracy.

Parliamentarism has been defined as having the parliament as the only democratically legitimate institution is parliament, whereby the governments authority is completely dependent upon parliamentary confidence. (Linz, 2003 p258). While R. S. Katz argues that there are three conditions necessary to declare a system parliamentary:

* All major government decisions must be taken by people chosen in elections conducted along party lines.

* Policy must be decided within governing party (parties if coalition)

* The highest officials (ministers) must be selected within their parties and be responsible to the people through their parties.

This definition however represents the ideal type.

In presidential systems according to Juan Linz, an executive with considerable constitutional powers - generally including full control of the composition of the cabinet and administration - is directly for a fixed term. The president is also the symbolic Head of State.
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When the two systems are compared under the following headings it is easy to see how parliamentary democracy is superior to that of presidential democracy.

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While some would argue that because a prime minister is usually chosen by the legislature and a president is chosen by the people that a president is therefore more a more democratic leadership. However this argument is easily countered as the electorate know that it will be the party leader who will become Prime Minister if elected in the Westminister model, in effect "a general election has the character ...

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