"World politics is entering a new phase".

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Francisco Gallegos Lemos

Student number: 200127682

1. “World politics is entering a new phase”. The international political system is changing and we have to be prepared for the new challenges. The United States of America has to maintain its structural power and develop new strategies to face the dangers of today’s international relations. For this reason it is important to launch a reform of Western integration and solidification of all liberal democracies.

        Security has been always a major concern for our country. We have to rely first and foremost in ourselves because “no one protects the superpowers”. Nevertheless, isolation is not the best answer for our protection, mainly because the economic and diplomatic implications of such a strategy would be disastrous for our country. Therefore, although self-reliance is fundamental in our policies, the search for alliances and integration of forces would determine our success in the unwelcome event of a conflict. The U.S should keep the integration process with the European Union and NATO should be reinforced with new military capability. Our armament should always be one step ahead of those who are potential threats for our security, and other countries should know that we are willing to use it if we feel vulnerable.

        Development and economic alliances are other fundamental factors which the U.S must pay attention to. The principles of free trade in the new world order have to be supported by strong economic coalitions because one of the main features of free trade is that “it has to be negotiated among representatives of leading economies with the tacit consent of many others”. For this purpose the U.S should keep close relationship with Japanese investors as well as the European Union. In addition it is important for our economy to help the development of regional free trade agreements like the Mercosur and the Caribbean Association of States. Latin America and the Caribbean countries are essential for the development of the American continent; therefore, the support of these economies is a priority for the development of our region. Together with economic support, diplomatic and political relations should be enhanced with key torn countries like Mexico, Turkey and Russia. This plan of integration would prevent clashes between civilizations and would strengthen the relationship between the U.S and non-Western countries.  

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        By maintaining high security and economic standards, we would also be able to maintain our character of structural power in the international arena. This image helps us to be autonomous (being able to “formulate and carry out domestic and external policies in terms of our government priorities”). Autonomy is key to limiting the power of the Confucian-Islamic connection by allowing us to coerce the United Nations into setting rules and limitations in the international system.  This can prevent clashes between civilizations and maintain the order between the “West and the Rest”.  

        Finally, if security, economy and autonomy can be preserved, and ...

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