A personalised induction will always be more effective. Discuss. Base your answer on the theoretical concepts and techniques presented in class

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This essay will describe the benefit to put into practice a personalised induction, as well as how to create a script, in order to tailor a personalised induction. I will also show that it is not always possible to use a personal induction on a client.

There are some points to take in to consideration when doing a personalised induction. Firstly, people are different in many ways. They have different likes and dislikes, cultural backgrounds and upbringings. These factors have provided us with different outlooks, values and perspectives.

In order for the client to relax, a hypnotic induction must always have positive words and feelings, such as “you are more relaxed than you ever felt before”. Negative words such as “the noise outside does not disturb you. It does not disturb you in any way”, should never be used as it could produce the reverse effect. In order to have the best chance of success we need to do our best to achieve the most beneficial stat as possible. When communicating with other people it seems that we do so using language. This is not entirely true as research shows that words make up 7% of our communication, tone and volume 38% and our body language 55%. Generally in order to practice hypnosis the client will have to have their eyes closed. This is why the therapist has to be very careful on the words he uses.

To be able to understand the client and to address them in the perfect way, the therapist will have to look at the modality, which is the “language of the minds”. Modalities are used to communicate with the outside world using five senses: visual for sight, kinaesthetic for touch, auditory for hearing, olfactory for smell and gustative for taste. A person’s modality is the sense that they feel the most comfortable using. However, for certain people they can be comfortable with using more than one modality at the same time. There is a sixth modality which is referred to as digital, this refers more to people who think mostly in language and symbols. In order to create an effective treatment the therapist must create an induction script based on the client’s modalities.

When meeting a client for the first time for a personalised induction, it is critical to build a good rapport with him. This will enable the therapist to be aware of any fears, illnesses, issues, phobias, his alcohol consumptions; any use of recreative drugs and most importantly, if the client is on any medication. If there is any doubt the therapist should contact the client GENERAL PRACTITIONER, to get their medical history. This can be done quite easily by chatting, observing and general discussion. The client can be scored on their appearance, behaviour and personality which can give the therapist a clearer insight to them. This is to avoid unnecessary stress and also to avoid any interruption of the hypnotic process. For examples if a client has an aversion to water, the imagery of a water fall could be stressful, but if the person likes water, this description would be nice and relaxing and bring a peaceful feeling. During the course of a research programme the induction was standardised, an image of a lift was used to deepen the trance. One elderly lady told the therapist after the session

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that when she had been asked to visualise the door of a lift opening ready for her to get in, she decided to go down the stairs instead. This is a typical example of a negative imaginary description.  

To be able to eliminate certain words which may be distressful the therapist can use imagery, such as a “privet place”. This can be anything; it doesn’t even have to exist. It can evoke good memories by recapturing a happy moment in time or re-describing a good feeling. These happy moments can counteract the negative emotions ...

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The writer could have explained why induction may be more challenging with groups than with individuals. The work around the 2 different styles of induction was generally clearly written - the differences were highlighted well. Perhaps the writer could have contrasted the 2 types of clients that each approach would work better with, eg. why would someone who was not very creative respond to the authoritarian approach and what might that mean for the success of the hypnosis? There were a few grammatical errors which could be minimised by careful proof-reading. 4/5