A Sociological Definition of Health and Illness

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Definition of Health and Illness.

This essay will begin by discussing the different definitions of health and illness and  will also discuss and enable the individual to understand why there are many diffrent definitions of health. It will give a clear defintion and evaluate views of health and illness in different societies.


According to the World Health Organisation “health is a complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity”

(Taylor et al, 1995)

Definitions of health and illness vary, they cannot be defined in terms of anatomical, physiological or even mental attributes. Health is defined as the ability for the individual to function in a way which is acceptable to the group from which they belong.

(Davey et al, 1984)

The dictionary defines the word health as: "the condition of the body and the degree to which it is free from illness, or the state of being well”

( accessed 28/1/07)

Good health is a mixture of physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing.

Health and illness can be defined in many different ways, the holistic concept of health would be viewed as being healthy and having no physical disorders or diseases, and also being emotionaly comfortable. A person who maybe feels anxious or suffers from low self esteem would, according to this theory not be well. People with this view tend to label themselves ill when they suffer from what may be classed as minor symptons such as tiredness, not just phsyical discomfort or pain.


A positive concept towards health and illness could be defined as believing that being healthy is a state which is achieved through continual effort. People with this approach believe that by taking regular exercise and looking after their bodies will keep them well. Generally people with a positive approach to health believe that hey are responsible for their own health. If a person with a positive attitude becomes ill they are likely to blame themselves if they develop symptons of an illness.

(Smithson, 2005)

A negative approach to health and illness may be defined as a view that being healthy is the absence of illness or not suffering from any forms of disease, pain or distress. A positive approach also gives the opinion that good health is normal and can be taken for granted that they are well. The assumption is thtaht no special actions need to be taken to keep healthy and free from illness. It is also unlikely that  a positive thinking person would not consider themselves ill when suffering from minor ailments such as headaches, tirdeness or colds.

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(Smithson, 2005)

In health and illness there are certain situations which people are seen to be responsible for there illness or disease, alcoholics and smokers are often blamed for any medical problems they may suffer from, and sometimes there illnesses are often perceived as being self inflicted.  Due to this sort of stigma doctors sometimes believe that smokers, for instance should not have priority on an NHS waiting list. Some illnesses carry a certain amount of shame or disgrace, this can sometimes make the person suffering seem less deserving of sympathy and treatment. At various times diseases such ...

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