An appraisal of a piece of research-based evidence relevant to healthcare practice - handwashing and nurses study.

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An appraisal of a piece of research-based evidence relevant to healthcare practice.  

Evidence based practice is crucial to be reviewed to deliver high-quality care to every health care practise. EBP is practise based on evidence, Sackett defines EBP as  the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient value.(Sackett DL 2000). Clinical practices can become out of date if no new evidence is drawn upon. EBP can a difficult and time-consuming task but it is essential to provide the best practise. Research based evidence is important in Podiatry so that practitioners and researchers can review medical evidence in order to show irregularities between clinical evidence and recognised practice. The context of EBP in healthcare increases the choice of the range of treatments and practises available; it is also meets the demands of patients’ quality and effectiveness of treatment.

To appraise the data,evidence must be found, this is achieved by generating an effective clinical question which then can be broken down in key terms to help with the search strategy. To form a clinical question the PICO method is used to break down the elements. P stands for patient or problem that is being considered. I is for assessment to what is trying to be found out or proven. C stands for comparison if relevant in trying to compare which method has the best outcome. O stands for the outcomes or outcomes of interest. These are the essential elements of defining a question. From the clinical question, key terms were picked in order to search for relevant data. Key terms such as “student nurse” “hand hygiene” and “medical setting”, these then were used to search online databases such as Medline and PudMed. From this search produced the paper “ Hand hygiene practices: Nursing students’ perceptions. Journal of Clinical Nursing (17, 14, Barrett, R., Randle, J. 2008 1851-1857).”Barrett et al study focuses on perceptions of hand hygiene practise in clinical settings held by nursing students. Furthermore investigates different factors that students hand hygiene practise and for future amendments to be made in hand hygiene training. A key point of this study is that healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) continue to rise and it is essential to try and reduce this by increasing compliance. This study is a qualitative interpretive design.

Interpretive qualitative designs are well suited to find out in-depth research and to explore human behaviour. The research method is appropriate to the aims as it was set out to explore student nurses perceptions, which is explored through in-depth interviews about human behaviour. There could also be the influence of researcher bias as both the researchers were nurses and could of screw the results, their own professional opinion could also had influence of how they interpreted the data.

In the study, convenience sampling was used through approaching students in lectures. Convenience sampling is where a sample selected on the basis of accessibility to the researcher rather than using random sample procedures. Furthermore a problem is that it can be difficult to generalise the findings to a wider population, as it can sometimes be a certain social or cultural group, which can show bias. Convenience sampling is not very rigorous as it just involves the most accessible participants (Marshall,1996). However when conducting research this method is the least costly to the researcher in terms of time and money, but it has to be weigh up with the fact the data produced will could lack credibility and validity.

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The sample size was small at ten preregistration nurses taking part. However the research was qualitative and wanted to look into perceptions of nursing students and therefore a small sample size is more beneficial as the researchers can look more in-depth at each participant.  

 Student from all three branches of nursing, adult; child and mental health were selected making it consistent and valid. Not knowing the sample size makes it more difficult to assess the appropriateness of the sample for the target population and it is difficult to know whether it can be generalise to the wider population. Furthermore ...

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