Current Issues in the Health and Social Care Field - National Service Frameworks

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Current Issues in the Health and Social Care Field:

 National Service Frameworks

        National Service Frameworks (NSFs) have been implemented, by the government, to establish a set of minimum National Standards for clinical quality and access to services for the major care and disease groups.  They aim to improve performance and decrease geographical variations in health and care standards.  They establish performance milestones against which, the performance of a particular department can be measured; this is called benchmarking.  NSFs are developed with the assistance of an expert reference group, which brings together health professionals, service users and carers, health service managers, partner agencies and others; they are supported by the Department of Health.

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The NSFs launched so far include:

  • Cancer NSF (1998)
  • Paediatric Intensive Care NSF (1998)
  • Mental Health NSF (1999)
  • Coronary Heart Disease NSF (2000)
  • Older People NSF (2001)

There are currently NSFs in preparation for:

  • Diabetes
  • Renal Services
  • Children’s Services
  • Long Term Conditions, focusing on Neurological Conditions.

Before the NSFs were introduced there was huge geographical variation in the standard of health care; this was often known as the “postcode lottery”.  The standard of care a person received depended on where they lived; while some areas provided a high standard of service, others provided ...

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