Genetically modified organisms, or GMO's.

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Background Information and Analysis

Genetically modified organisms, or GMO’s, are the organisms which allow for foods that have been genetically enhanced by scientists in a laboratory. For years GMO’s have been used in everyday foods such as candies and even chocolates. Genetically modifying food and more specifically the technique of selective breeding, has been in use since 5000 B.C. Farmers for years have crossbred related species of plants and created new plants with desirable traits. Many of the foods we eat today would be unrecognizable by our ground tilling ancestors for the kiwi was once a bitter gooseberry and the tomato was once a toxic South American berry.

Due to current technological leaps made in biotechnology and molecular engineering the barrier of transplanting between species has now been broken. The genetic manipulation from entirely unrelated organisms such as fish, viruses, bacteria and even other animals allows for the creation of genetically altered super foods. In doing so these genetically altered foods can offer much to the world: less fortunate countries will be able to provide crops that offer the staples of life in the harshest of environments and in great quantity as to rid the world of hunger and starvation. Foods can be created that are enriched with all the essential vitamins and nutrients required to retain healthy lifestyles. Genetically modified food can also offer the creation of crops that are resistant to the most virulent of pests. Genetically modified organisms present the world hope in the midst of anguish and destruction.

The current issues with regards to Genetically Modified Organisms have only recently come to attention in North America. The debate has been raging in Europe and Asia for quite some time and critics there contest that GMO’s are harmful to people and to the environment. Some of their worries are: such modification to foods will lead to the creation of new allergens, pests will create resistance to altered crops, the altered crops may harm useful insects and that the altered crops will escape into other non modified crops.  

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The public policy issues can be broken down into four major sections with a major concentration in this document on the labeling of GMO foods.

  • Is there a need for the labeling of GMO foods?
  • The distinction between GMO labeled products and those that are not makes for a growing issue in the eyes of the public.
  • Is there a need for the segregation of GMO crops from Non-GMO crops?
  • Worries abound that GMO crops will spread by wind, bee and air to other Non-GMO crops thereby contaminating and possibly upsetting the balance of natural selection.


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