Health, Social and Early Years Services

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Keshia Hanson

Unit 5: Health, Social and Early Years Services

Investigate and produce a case study on one local health, social and early year’s organisation that is part of a national framework.

The organisation, which I have chosen, is Basildon hospital, which is in the national framework of the National Health Service (NHS).


Purpose of Basildon Hospital

The purpose of Basildon Hospital is to provide a service, which is free for:

  • Minor and major injuries
  • To provide treatment and preventative care
  • A diagnoses
  • After treatment care and a 24 hour Accident and emergency service

Purpose of the NHS

‘’The NHS aims to bring about the highest level of physical and mental health for all citizens, within the resources available, by:

  • promoting health and preventing ill-health
  • diagnosing and treating injury and disease
  • Caring for those with a long-term illness and disability, who require the services of the NHS.
  • Provide a universal service for all based on clinical need, not ability to pay’’

This information comes from the NHS website address

Comparing the purpose

The Basildon hospital purpose is very similar to the NHS purpose as the NHS service provides the guidelines in which all NHS hospitals should follow.


The NHS will provide a comprehensive range of services.

The NHS will provide access to a comprehensive range of services throughout primary and community healthcare, intermediate care and hospital based care. The NHS will also provide information services and support to individuals in relation to health promotion, disease prevention, self-care, after care and rehabilitation. The NHS will continue to provide clinically appropriate cost effective services.

Functions of Basildon Hospital

In order to function these are all the different types of service the hospital provides are:


  • Accident & Emergency (A+E)    

The Accident & Emergency Department deals with over 70,000 patients a year, and is one of the busiest in the country.

  • Obstetrics

The Obstetrics team cares for women during pregnancy, commissions for health improvmentldbirth and the period following delivery.

  • Gynaecology

The Gynaecology team investigates and treats problems affecting women’s reproductive organs

  • Paediatrics    

The Paediatrics unit is dedicated to the assessment and treatment of commissions for health improvmentldren (from birth to 16 years) who are acutely ill or who require surgery.

  • Trauma & Orthopaedics including ENT, Oral surgery    

The Directorate treats serious injuries and provides corrective surgery for injuries or disorders of the skeletal system and associated muscles, joints, and ligaments.

  • Surgery

There are nine Consultant Surgeons, who cover all areas of general surgery (including Breast, Vascular and Colorectal), and two consultants in Urology. The Trust is an accredited cancer unit for breast, bowel and lung cancers.

-Day surgery these days, around 7 out of 10 routine operations can be carried out without an overnight stay, thanks to advances in medical techniques and anaesthetics. The Trust's surgeons are pioneers in this field and such things as gall bladder and thyroid operations are being carried out as day cases.

-Outpatients all inpatient elective (planned) and emergency surgery takes place at Basildon where there are two 27-bed general surgical wards, Stanford and Kingswood (the latter focuses particularly on urological and intestinal problems).

- Theatres There are seven operating suites in the main theatres at Basildon with adjacent High Dependency and Intensive Therapy Units.

All patients for planned surgery attend a pre-assessment clinic a week or so before they are due to come in.

  • Critical Care    

The primary function for the directorate’s medical staff is anaesthetising patients requiring surgery

  • Medicine      

Using a range of diagnostic and therapy techniques, the medical directorate is responsible for the care and treatment of patients with a wide range of medical conditions including diabetes, respiratory complaints, heart problems, stomach and bowel disorders, conditions associated with kidney failure and palliative care.

  • Outpatients

Basildon Hospital and Orsett Hospital each have large Outpatient Departments. Over 100 clinics are held every week and around 200,000 patients attend each year for outpatient consultations and treatment.

Demographic Characteristics

Demographics is the quantity and characteristics of the people, especially in relation to their age, how much money they have and what they spend it on, and who live in a particular area.

The demographic characteristics of the local population are used to plan health services and social care services in Essex. They are considered when deciding on the types of services provided by Basildon hospital.

Demography is the science of analysing and calculating populations. This means the health of the population and the health and social care needs can be investigated by using geometric information. This information is collected by a census. This allows individuals to plan and services to keep up with the rapid pace of modern life. The census is there to keep an account of all the people in the nation. By doing this it helps the government decide how much money to provide for the Essex Strategic Health Authority, and allows them to plan for the health services in the country.


Total population of Basildon                                165,661

Ages 0-4                                                10,737

Ages 5-9                                                11,207

Ages 60-69                                                14,990

Ages 70-79                                                11,419

Ages 80-89                                                5,005

Largest ethnic minority population                        962

Born outside European Union (EU)                        4653

Castle Point

Total population of Basildon                                86,614

Ages 0-4                                                4,513

Ages 5-9                                                5,375

Ages 60-69                                                9,416

Ages 70-79                                                6,825

Ages 80-89                                                3,084

Largest ethnic minority population                        291

Born outside European Union (EU)                        1465


Total population of Basildon                                160,256

Ages 0-4                                                9,736

Ages 5-9                                                10,279

Ages 60-69                                                14,707

Ages 70-79                                                13,732

Ages 80-89                                                8,089

Largest ethnic minority population                        1,223

Born outside European Union (EU)                        6,527


Basildon is one of two major towns in the south of Essex. It was a purpose built new town of cheaper housing and rented accommodation whereas Southend is traditionally a place to retire by the sea. Therefore there are younger families living in Basildon than in the Southend which has more elderly people. As there are more elderly people the NHS has to pay more money for operations and influenza vaccinations whereas Basildon hospital has to provide for maternity units and children's wards. The hospital has to provide large amounts of maternity services, pre-natal and ante-natal care.

There are around 8,089 people between ages 80 and 89 living in the Southend area whereas there are only 5,005 people ages 80 – 89 living in the Basildon area.

There are around 10,737 children aged from 0 – 4 living in the Basildon area whereas there are only 9,736 children in that age group living in Southend.

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The annual report for Basildon hospital states that Around 3,500 babies a year are born at the hospital’s maternity unit, which has a specialist Neonatal Intensive Care Unit providing a service for the care of ill and very premature babies from across South Essex and beyond, and £168,000 has been paid for a  new Children’s Outpatients Department.

(See Appendix 1)

how does Basildon Hospital interact with social services

Basildon hospital interacts with social services in order to co-ordinate ...

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