Katy Preedy

Introduction and Terms of Reference

Research is about finding out, finding solutions to problems, it is also about helping you evaluate the research for others.  The term research can have several meanings, Kerlinger (1973) describes Research as ‘the systematic, controlled empirical and critical investigation of hypothetical propositions about the presumed relations among natural phenomena’, it was also described by Waltz and Bausell (1981) as ‘Research is a systematic, formal rigorous and precise process employed to gain solutions to problems and or to discover and interpret new facts and relationships’.

The function of research is to create or test a theory to get results, research is essential in health to tackle the increasing challenges that disease and ill health place on our society.

I have chosen to research an article based on the topic of ‘Patients feelings about hand washing, MRSA status and patient information’.

In my opinion this is a current hot topic with a lot of media attention surrounding the subject it also fits the criteria given to me by the university.

Hospitals have come into the spotlight recently due to the large amount of people contracting MRSA when going into hospital for procedures.  This has highlighted the need for extra vigilance in cleaning the wards and also the fact that some wards have been found to be not of a good cleanliness standard and health care professionals are not washing their hands as much as they should be.

The purpose of the research conducted was to evaluate patient opinion on the subject and about asking healthcare professionals to wash their hands before a procedure and to explore if methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) status and access to patient information about infection control would influence the patients anxiety about asking.

The data collection used was a descriptive survey by using a semi structured questionnaire.  This was distributed to 185 inpatients across the wards of an acute NHS Trust hospital and it seeks to find true patient opinions on the subject.

The survey found that patients found it empowering to be involved and also ‘were anxious to ask if their previous admission episodes were fewer, if their knowledge of MRSA was high and if there were less information about infection control available.  Patients who had contracted MRSA in the past were less anxious as they had a better understanding of the disease, In addition the survey found that patients felt less anxious about asking staff to wash their hands if staff wore a badge saying its ok to ask’.

The research article gives graphs and extracts from the questionnaires to give you a good information base to evaluate their findings.                        

The article was written by Christopher Duncan who is a professional development project nurse and Carol Dealy who is a research associate, both at the University Hospital Birmingham Foundation Trust.  They both have relevant expertise and an interest in the subject area and used the research and its findings as a tool for their own hospital and also to inform others.

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The article was intended for nurses, doctors or anyone in the healthcare field, however, I believe it would reach out to anyone reading it as the subject is one that has the potential to affect most people, that have stayed in, visited or due to stay in hospitals.

From my own research I have noted that the article was researched and published in 2006, therefore this is a current article with current research.

The title of the article is clear and concise and it gives no doubt as to what to expect in its content, it encapsulates the research and ...

This is a preview of the whole essay