The strategies that meet my learning styles are: In lectures: to be active listening and recording pattern notes. In practice: to keep a reflective diary and research evidence. Studying for essays or researching subjects: I tend to brainstorm subjects and be between two states of awareness, divided attention when at home, and a selective attention when studying at college. I find the pos-theory/practice handouts helpful in terms of understanding and memorising information. I find the IBL sessions to be a valuable learning tool, as, I enjoy undertaking active learning in small groups to problem-solve matters and then present back to the group and tutor. This is a good way to build my transferable skills (such as presentation and peer education) and learn from each other (Drew & Bingham 2004, p.98).
The Adult Nursing training offers a variety of learning opportunities which I find attractive e.g.: 50% Theory and 50% Practice; as there are a greater number of students. This increases the likelihood of finding students with similar learning styles and needs (Ross et al 2000, p.741), whether within one of my weaker or stronger strands of the nine curriculum strands: Bioscience, Communication, Clinical skills, Research and study Skills, Legal Ethical and Professional Practice, Socio-political, Psychology, Pharmacology and Partnership Working. Considering the strands I reflected upon theory and practice situations (appendix 10-15).
Taking into account the strands reflection, learning style strengths and weaknesses and strategies that meet my learning style, I prioritise which learning needs are the most beneficial to deal with at this stage in order to enhance my learning (Idczak 2007, p. 67). To meet these developmental needs I developed a Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Times related (SMART) focused goals and action plans to problem solving my critical needs (Drew & Bingham 2004, p.238). I ranked them in their interrelated strands.
Bioscience, Psychology and Pharmacology: to enhance my learning, I will develop further knowledge in: nutritional intake; observations; incontinence; urine track infection; skin integrity; cardiovascular accident; the affects of immobility; develop an understanding of mental health; dementia; alzheimer’s disease; drug calculation; and the different types of topic creams used in practice (Action Plan 1-12).
Communication, Partnership Working Clinical skills and Legal Ethical and Professional Practice and Socio-political: I will gain a further insight into effective communication (non-verbal, effective encouragement); understanding of the multidisciplinary team; nursing assessments; report writing; maintain a reflective diary. To reflect in/on, on a regular basis, so that reflection becomes integral to my thinking (Richardson & Maltby 1995, p.235); NMC code of conduct, role as a student, mentor and registered nurse; and public health awareness campaigns (Action plan 13-19).
Research and study Skills: I will manage my time effectively by developing a course time table (appendix 16); arrange childcare up front; maintain a weekly study plan (appendix 17); evaluate my career map (appendix 18); expand my skills in literature search strategy; academic writing; and referencing (Action Plan 19-23).
I find this Reflection valuable in highlighting not only my learning needs, but also my achievements, weaknesses and attitudinal change. I feel that taking advantage of all learning resources available e.g.: library, tutors, mentors; with self-awareness of my learning style and needs, will help me to pass modules and occasions I find challenging. In order to evidence the continuous reflection on personal learning needs (Nairn et al 2006, p.1509) and the development in skills which enable life long learning required by the NMC (2006, p.3), I will maintain a professional portfolio to demonstrate achievements in clinical practice linked to theoretical knowledge. All my Action plans on my portfolio will be SMART and all my reflections within my portfolio will be based upon Gibbs (1998) reflective cycle.
Reference List:
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Drew, S., Bingham, R., 2004. The Student Skills: Guide. 2nd ed. Aldershot: Gower.
Gibbs, G., 1988. Learning by doing. A guide to Teaching and Learning Methods. London: Further Education Unit.
Honey, P., Mumford, A., 1992. The Manual of Learning Styles. 3rd ed. Maidenhead: Pter Honey.
Idczak, S., 2007. I Nursing Education Perspectives, 28 (2), p.67.
Johns, C., 2000. Becoming a reflective practitioner: a reflective & holistic approach to clinical nursing, practice development & clinical supervision. Oxford: Blackwell Science.
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Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2004. Code of Professional conduct: standards for conduct, performance and ethics. London: NMC.
Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2004. An NMC guide for students London: NMC.
Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2004. Standards of proficiency for pre-registration nursing education. London: NMC.
Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2002. Supporting nurses and midwifes through lifelong learning. London: NMC.
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Ross, F., Southgate, L., 2000. Medical Education, 34 (9), p. 741.
Richardson, G., Maltby, H., 1995. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 22 (2), p.235.