Sheffield Hallam University

Faculty of health and wellbeing

Advanced Diploma in Adult Nursing.

Summative Assessment Submission.

Foundations of Inter-professional Practice

Date of Submission: 14th march 2008

Assignment title: Reflective essay

Student details:

Name Deborah Rowley

Student number 17017310

Word count: 1,692

FIPP tutor: Sheela Macwan

I will reflect on and explore the relevance and effectiveness of what I have learnt during the Foundation of Inter-professional practice (FIPP) module. This will include effective communication; my own communication skills, techniques and various communication skills learnt. I will also include principles of professionalism such as values, ethics, and anti-oppressive practice.

After a couple of seminars I found myself wondering what all this group work had to do with being a nurse, I knew that we would one day I work along side or with other professions but these sessions did not enlighten me to what the other professions' actually did. Reflecting on this at home, the reality hit me! Throughout the group work, we all had different views depending on our chosen vocation giving us a wider scope and understanding for our development.

Communication skills are one of the most important factors in the health care sector. The quote below indicates how important communication is as well as other skills.

"Effective health care integration requires effective communication, teamwork and the commitment to deliver integrated care." (Atwal A 2002)

Communication is expressed in various ways;

* Verbal - this can be spoken or sound

* Non-verbal - this includes body language, facial expressions, written or sign language.

Communication is a way of passing information on, from individual to individual or even groups. By communicating with our Service Users we can reduce complaints, get to know them and understand their concerns. By using skills such as active listening, effective questioning and eye contact helps a service user feel at ease, moreover builds a good rapport. There are several forms of questioning which help communicate these include open, closed, leading, and probing by using these we can gain answers. Non-verbal communication is used to break communication barriers such as language. Hand gestures and facial expressions can indicate pain, the severity and where it is.

When communicating with service users we should use the acronym SOLER (Crawford, Brown and Bonham 2006), this interpreted means; Sit squarely, Open posture, Lean forward, Eye contact and Relax. By applying to these terms, we can gain the trust of the individual and look like we are active listening.

After reading the Victoria Climbie case, I was appalled at the lack of communication between the health care professions. If the health care professions had communicated with each other Victoria might still be alive today. The next quote indicates how important communication is.
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"In some cases nothing more than a manager reading a file, or asking a straightforward question about whether standard practice had been followed, may have changed the course of these terrible events"(Lord Laming 2003).

Our FIPPs communication lecture was very interesting and beneficial, it made me question my own communication styles and techniques making me wonder what my strengths and weaknesses were. I have realized that I needed to participate more in the activities. However, I felt that there was little opportunity to as others were quick to jump in and answer questions leaving little chance for ...

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