Systematic approaches to client care

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Zoe Hannah                CFP 108

Systematic Approaches to Client care 2.

Zoe Hannah


CFP 108 10/08/2009



1.  Learning Contract including Outcome and Evaluation One


4.  Learning Contract including Outcome and Evaluation Two

-Infection Control

7.   Systematic Approaches to Client Care Essay

16. References


What do I want to achieve?

        I want to be a competent student nurse that can accurately calculate drug doses and administer prescriptions in a safe and appropriate manner whilst maintaining accurate records of medications and gain knowledge base for types of medications and their effects.

How will I achieve it?

         I hope to achieve my learning outcomes by participating in medication rounds on the ward with my mentor as supervision. I will ask advice on the medications prescribed to build my knowledge of medications used. I will also use appropriate research such as journal articles and an up to date copy of the BNF and evidence to gain more understanding of effects of medications. I will accurately record effects in client evaluations. I will make use of numeracy sessions in order to gain confidence in drug calculations in order to be competent in practice. A qualified member of staff will always check calculations that I make on the ward. I will be able to identify the correct generic name for prescribed medications, modes of administration, precautions and common side effects, as well as relevant to patient treatment.

Who do I need to involve?

        My mentor, other ward staff, my link tutor, Doctors, Pharmacists, theoretical evidence base and clients.

Outcome and Evaluation 1

I feel that I have achieved this learning outcome. I have used the resources outlined in my learning contract. At first I was nervous about calculations and administration of medications as I found it difficult to identify medications, especially if they were prescribed under a brand name. I was also nervous about giving injections. The only injection that has been available for me to administer is Enoxaparin. The session that I attended at university provided me with the knowledge to administer the subcutaneous injection safely but it wasn’t until I had to administer on in practice that I became nervous. After discussion with my mentor on how to administer the medication and knowing that he was there to supervise me provided me with the confidence to give the injection to the client. Afterwards my mentor praised me on my effort and after that the procedure for giving subcutaneous injections became second nature, as there was plenty of opportunity to practice.  Through gaining more experience I gained more confidence and became more competent. While I have improved and gained more confidence at numeracy in relation to drug calculations I know that I need to keep practicing and still use the resources available such as SDAS and revision resources that are available on ‘Blackboard’ and the internet. In addition to this I have obtained a conversion chart that I can take to placement with me. I hope by using this all the time, the conversion calculations will become second nature to me. I have greatly improved with written calculations and equations methods, while this is an achievement for me it is not always appropriate to sit and work formulas and calculations on paper. I still need to practice my mental arithmetic for example; this skill would be invaluable to an emergency setting. I participated in supervised drugs rounds while on the ward to receive feedback from my mentor on how to improve the change of accuracy, safety and be more efficient. I feel that I have made use of the resources available in order to be competent in administering drugs, however I need to continue to improve on administering drugs as sometimes I still need prompts from my mentor. These prompts are usually identifying medications.  After a period of time on a ward I can positively identify the most commonly used drugs with confidence as I researched the appropriateness of these common drugs. The Nursing & Midwifery Council (2008) states it is the nurse’s responsibility to know the therapeutic uses of each medicine administered, as well as their normal dosage, side effects, precautions and contraindications. Nurses can also be required to calculate the required dose of medications. A key element to effective administration of medication is a nurse's constant professional vigilance to ensure that patients received their appropriate medications. (Laurel et al, 2007).


What do I want to achieve?

        I want to gain understanding of the key concepts of infection control along with being able to identify the correct policies and procedures to use. I want to do this to ensure protection for the clients and their friends and families along with protecting myself and other health care professionals.

How will I achieve it?

        I will use resources such as policies and procedure documents to be able to identify microorganisms and their symptoms, what diseases they cause and how they are transmitted and then be able to use the knowledge I have gained to prevent disease and disease transmission. I will implement hand hygiene, the use of personal protective equipment, the safe use and disposal of sharps into practice.

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Who do I need to involve?

        Myself, my Mentor, Infection Control Nurse, Clients and Evidence based Theory.

Outcome and Evaluation 2

I feel that I act appropriately in the case of infection control. I achieved this by engaging the clinical and support services, the Medical and Nursing, Housekeeping, Catering, Laundry, Maintenance and Decontamination and sterile services staff, in the control of infection, and provide clients and carers with the information necessary to perform all necessary infection control functions. Through research I have can identify the rational for testing all new patients to the ward ...

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