This assignment is based upon an experience encountered where a patient admitted to the Accident and Emergency department died suddenly and was later transferred to the mortuary.

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This reflective assignment is based upon a recent experience on a clinical

practice placement within a busy Accident and Emergency department in

the local general hospital.

Whilst at the department many diverse situations were experienced which

may be reflected upon. For the purpose of this assignment an incident

which occurred causing me to question the moral and ethical

underpinning of practice within the department will be discussed. The

incident in question happens within the department on a regular basis.

The issues that this reflection have raised include, sudden death within

the Accident and Emergency department, the dignity of a patient in death

and western societies views of death.

To assist in this reflective account Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1998) will be

followed which allows for personal beliefs to be explored and addressed.

The reflection also allows for the acknowledgement that some practice,

which my personal belief feels is wrong cannot be changed.

Main Body



This assignment is based upon an experience encountered where a patient

admitted to the Accident and Emergency department died suddenly and

was later transferred to the mortuary. By reflecting upon the incident it is

acknowledged that, although the practice witnessed in my opinion is

undesirable, it is performed to prevent distress for the general public.

John's (2000) describes reflection as a window through which the

practitioner can examine oneself in relation to their own lived experience

in ways that allows for understanding towards resolving the

contradictions within their practice between what is desirable and actual


To protect patient confidentiality as stated by the Nursing and Midwifery

Council (2000) the patient concerned will be referred to as David

throughout the assignment.

David was a married man in his early seventies, he had enjoyed good

health until recently when he started to suffer with hypertension and

angina. David was at home with his wife when he started to feel unwell,

he was complaining of chest pains and nausea, despite using his glyceryl

trinitrate nitrolindual spray this continued for some hours before his wife

phoned their general practitioner, he advised that an ambulance was



called for immediately.

Whilst in the ambulance, on the way to the hospital David suffered a

cardiac arrest. The ambulance crew notified the department of this so that

the appropriate team were available immediately. David arrived at the

Accident and Emergency department within minutes and was

immediately admitted to the resuscitation room. David was accompanied

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by his wife and next door neighbour, they had followed the ambulance to

the hospital by car. A member of staff had been assigned to meet David's

wife when she arrived in the department to ensure that she was provided

with all information regarding her husband.

David's wife was shown to the relatives room together with her

neighbour, the nurse had informed her that David was seriously ill and

that he had suffered a cardiac arrest in the ambulance. She was informed


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