Origen del Nazismo
. Explica el origen del Nazismo, formación del partido y ascenso al poder 2. Cuales son los principios ideológicos del Nazismo 3. Explique las medidas políticas, económicas, sociales y militares. 4. Describa las relaciones exteriores del nazismo 5. Que importancia tuvo la simbología y el uso de la propaganda 6. Explique la caída del regímen Desarrollo . El Nazismo se origino debido a la frustración que se sentía, al orgullo nacionalista que había, a la humillación que se dio por el Tratado de Versalles. El sentimiento de superioridad alemana era fundamentalmente de autoritarismo y expansión militar que se oponía al racionalismo, liberalismo y a la democracia. Los ex combatientes de la Primera Guerra Mundial fueron los más humillados, uno de ellos era Adolf Hitler. Él intentó ingresar a la Academia de Bellas Arte pero fue rechazado, así que decidió viajar a Munich e ingreso al Partido Obrero Alemán y comenzó a destacar por la capacidad que tenía para hablar y convencer a la gente. El Partido Obrero Alemán elaboró veinticinco puntos cuya redacción la dijo Hitler y fue nombrado jefe de propaganda. Los objetivos fundamentales del Nazismo eran la lucha contra el Tratado de Versalles, constitución de la Gran Alemania, expansión imperial, antisemitismo (ningún judío podía ser miembro), xenofobia étnica, limitación de la libertad de prensa, arte
Estructura de las grandes disqueras.
Las Disqueras (internacionales): Estructura de las grandes disqueras: La producción musical es una actividad sumamente compleja. Hay que componer las canciones, tocarlas, grabarlas, mezclarlas y masterizarlas, promover el disco, hacerle publicidad y, por último, hay que venderlo. Para poder hacer todo esto de manera eficiente las compañías discográficas están estructuradas en diversas divisiones y departamentos. Las grandes corporaciones del mundo del entretenimiento (Sony, Universal, EMI, AOL- Time Warner y Bertelsmann Music Group) poseen, cada una, un conglomerado de empresas subsidiarias y asociadas, muchas las cuales son sellos disqueros que, a su vez, tienen a otros sellos de menor envergadura asociados a ellos, etc. Esta cadena puede llegar a ser realmente larga, pero en términos de estructura organizacional son los grandes sellos disqueros lo que se encargan de mercadear y vender los discos de los sellos más pequeños. Las grandes corporaciones del entretenimiento están organizadas como cualquier otra corporación: tienen un CEO, un COO, un CFO etc. Luego, cada gran sello disquero que pertenezca a la corporación, tiene un presidente. Por ejemplo, en AOL- Time Warner hay un presidente para Warner Brothers Records, otro para Reprise Records, otro para Atlantic Records etc. Debajo de los presidentes de las disqueras se encuentran los vicepresidentes,
Kraft Foods - Report on Ethical Stance
Kraft Foods Report on Ethical Stance Kraft Foods is a huge global business which is responsible for many successful brands. Which many people think are businesses that stand in the market alone. Kraft has to create a very specific and individual business ethics plan for each separate brand. This is because all of the brands target markets vary and are spread from Canada to Australia. The trustworthiness of a business, its customer service, its customer care, its way of dealing with customers and its urge to retain their old customers, is a part of the business ethics. Business ethics leave a long-lasting impression on the customers. Kraft Food managers with support from team members of the Compliance & Integrity and Legal groups help employees understand the ethical standards expected of the business. Training educates employees worldwide about Kraft's ethics and compliance practices. 'In 2010, Kraft Foods employees at all levels took a Code of Conduct online training and completed an acknowledgment form.' In late 2010, Kraft Foods began providing the course to the legacy Cadbury employees. In addition, they offered in-depth courses to employees based on their responsibilities. The areas included food safety, antitrust, anti-bribery and responsible marketing. They frequently measure and evaluate how they as a business are complying with ethics this shows that Kraft Foods
Critically consider all arguments concerning spousal compellability and conclude whether or not it is justifiable.
In 1940, Wigmore described the rule that spouses should not be compellable as: �the merest anachronism, in legal theory, and an indefensible obstruction to truth, in practice.� 1 Whereas Lord Wilberforce stated: �to allow her to give evidence would give rise to discord and perjury and would be, to ordinary people, repugnant.�2 These are two very differing opinions, highlighting the fact that spousal compellability is a highly debatable area of law. Under section 80 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 19843 (PACE), spouses are non-compellable unless the offence is one which is specified.4 This spousal privilege has sparked intense criticism and renders the justification questionable. Utilising academic opinion, case authority and relevant sources, I will critically consider all arguments concerning spousal compellability and conclude whether or not I think it is justifiable. Hoskyn v Metropolitan Police Commissioner5was the first significant step towards the PACE. This case concerned a marriage two days before the trial date, the defendant was convicted and he appealed on the grounds that his wife should not have been a compellable witness. The House of Lords ruled that when her husband is charged with violence against her, she is competent but not compellable. There were dissenting judges and vast criticism because of this decision and this
An Introduction to Social Work.
SOCIAL WORK: AN INTRODUCTION ARUN PAUL SOCIAL WORK: AN INTRODUCTION MISSION OF SOCIAL WORK Social Work is a humanitarian profession. It emerged to a status of important profession for the mankind in twentieth century. Simply we can define social worker as a professional who is dedicated to help others to help themselves. A general definition of Social Work coined by National Association of Social Work is that, Social Work is the professional Activity of helping individuals, groups, or communities enhance or restore their capacity for social functioning and creating societal conditions favorable to that goal. According to the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), "the primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all-people with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed and living in poverty" (NASW, 1999, p.1). The International Federation of Social Work defines the purpose of Social Work as including the promotion of social change and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being (IFSW, 2000, p.1) The core elements of Social Work can be divided into two, Purpose of the profession and competency. Competency of the profession includes, characteristics, ethics etc. PURPOSE OF SOCIAL WORK Social work is basically a helping
Revolucion lanar en el Uruguay.
Revolucion lanar en el Uruguay (1860-1885) Las escasas ovejas que existían en el país al comenzar el siglo XIX apenas si daban 500 gramos de lana por cabeza. La calidad era tan deficiente que se la utilizaba solo para colchones y almohadas. La cruza con animales europeos era fundamental si se deseaba explotar para la exportación este tipo de ganado. Aunque hubo importantes introducciones de razas merinas antes de la Guerra Grande (1843-1852), triste fue su fin durante la lucha. El censo de 1852 señaló una existencia de 800.000 ovinos, de los cuales sólo el 16% eran mestizos. Entre 1852 y 1860, al amparo de la pacificación, hubo un importante empuje. Este último año se llegó a casi 3 millones de cabezas. Pero fué entre 1860-1860 que el gran salto, auténtica revolución económica, se produjo en nuestro país. Ese año la existencia fué estimada en 16 o 17 millones de cabezas, cifra algo superior a la que el Uruguay cuenta hoy día (1970). El rendimiento en lana y su calidad mejoraron en forma notable. La importacion de carneros merinos de Francia y Alemania, y el mestizaje con la oveja criolla, dieron por resultado majadas que en 1868 rendían, término medio, kg 1,150 por cabeza, siendo la calidad excelente, como que se conocían y apreciaban en Europa mucho mas que otras, las lanas llamadas "de Montevideo". Ahora la industria textil podía utilizarlas.
Publicidad y democracia en la sociedad de masas.
Publicidad y democracia en la sociedad de masas Terence H. Qualter La publicidad, que en un primer momento fue un mecanismo utilizado por las empresas para dar a conocer las ventajas de los productos, poco a poco se fue convirtiendo, según Qualter, en un reflejo de la sociedad (o al menos así lo consideran los creativos publicitarios): los anuncios de la televisión, en ese sentido, se limitarían a mostrar las principales preocupaciones de la sociedad en un momento determinado; sus preocupaciones en cuanto consumidores, naturalmente. Resulta un poco complicado hacernos a la idea de que cuando visionamos un anuncio de CEAC (¡Venga, llámame! ¡Hazte popular entre tus amigos aprendiendo a tocar el clarinete!) estamos viendo la sociedad tal y como es hoy en día, pero así es: el mundo moderno es un mundo orientado, por un lado, al trabajo fecundo, por otro al éxito personal y profesional (que sin duda garantizan los certificados de CEAC), y por otro a la conversión de las capacidades de la persona en una serie de certificados que así las definen (no cabe duda de que más de un catedrático de Universidad o alto ejecutivo de empresa, en ese sentido, ha llegado a donde está por sus cursos de CEAC). Sin embargo, Qualter también destaca que este papel central de la publicidad en nuestras sociedades deriva, asimismo, de la cada vez mayor preponderancia de lo económico
'A gets B to do something that he or she would not otherwise do. Does this sum up the essence of political power?
'A GETS B TO DO SOMETHING THAT HE OR SHE WOULD NOT OTHERWISE DO'. DOES THIS SUM UP THE ESSENCE OF POLITICAL POWER? Questions of power are arguably the most important in the field of politics, and as such the concept of power is one of the most frequently discussed topics amongst political scientists. Power is such a wide concept that this essay will not be able to discuss motivation; that is, why an individual may want to exert power over another individual, although this is a crucial question when discussing this topic. Instead, this essay will focus on the 'faces of power' debate; the three widely recognised faces, decision-making, agenda-setting and preference-shaping as well as Foucault's research into a fourth face of power. As well as outlining the arguments put forward by political scholars, this essay will critically analyse each theory and ultimately sum up the essence of political power. In "The Concept of Power" (1957) Robert Dahl looks at the relationship between preferences and decisions before concluding that power is a one dimensional concept regarding the power of A to affect the decisions of B. Dahl's view of power is that it is quantifiable by counting the number of decisions that are made and determine that whoever has the most decisions in their favour is the most powerful. While analysing Dahl's one dimensional view of power, Hay stated that "the
Do you agree with Scruton (1990) that the main aim of Conservatism is preservation of a pre existing social order?
Do you agree with Scruton (1990) that the main aim of Conservatism is 'preservation of a pre existing social order?' Student Number - 110118471 The issue of analysing the aims of any political ideology is difficult mainly due to the often fractured and conflicting natures of ideologies. There are significant issues arising particularly from the analysis of Conservatism, largely due to its positional stance as an approach which focuses on what is rather than normative claims. Such problems necessarily lead to caution when debating Conservatism, as Eccleshall asserts "the ideology poses serious conceptual difficulties" (2003, p.48). However, when analysing Conservatism, it is evident that Scruton's definition is on the right lines, however I shall argue that such a definition of the main aim of Conservatism is too broad, and that more focus should be on the preservation of appropriate pre existing social orders and the preservation of stability. Moreover, when put into practice, there are numerous examples of reformist branches within Conservatism which in fact go beyond Scruton's claim and seek to reinstate social orders of the past. One of the key premises in the assertion that Conservatism's main aim is the preservation of a pre existing social order is the concept that society is going through a process of degeneration. The idea of regression is as Goodwin (1992) asserts,
Criminal Law Omissions. In the English legal system there is generally no liability for an omission to act, the English legal system does not have a good Samaritan rule neither is there no duty of easy rescue.
In the English legal system there is generally no liability for an omission to act, the English legal system does not have a 'good Samaritan rule' neither is there 'no duty of easy rescue'. Fitzjames Stephen gave a classical example of 'A seeing B drowning and is able to save him by holding out his hand. A abstains from doing so in order that B may be drowned, A will have committed no offence.'1 This example clearly shows that there is no positive duty for B to act, even though B holding his hand out may have saved A's life. This is a controversial issue as the law allows one to watch a person drown without them being prosecuted for any offence. However in some European countries this is different such as in France and Germany where there is a duty of easy rescue and failure to do so will amount to a criminal offence2. As I have earlier said generally there is no liability for failing to act, however there are six exceptions and if a person fails to act then they will be committing a criminal law offence, there is a vast amount of case law in this field which will be used to illustrate the exceptions to an omission. The first exception I will discuss is a special relationship, this is where the law will require an individual to act where there is a special relationship, it is generally recognised the more closer the relationship the more likely the law will impose a duty.