¿Cuál es la posición que ocupa Master Mills en la industria?
Diploma en Marketing Estrategias de Distribución Profesor: Hernán Palacios ESCUELA DE ADMINISTRACIÓN Caso # 1 Masterton Mills Integrantes: Mariela Alvarado Macarena Gallardo Patricia Gallardo Adriana Ubilla Fabiola Negron Santiago de Chile, 20 de julio de 2004 . ¿Cuál es la posición que ocupa Master Mills en la industria? Industria La industria de Alfombras y Tapices en EEUU a la cual pertenece la empresa Masterton Mills ha alcanzado la etapa de madurez, lo cual se ve reflejado en los siguientes hechos: * Disminución de la participación de mercado de la industria de alfombras y tapices en la industria de los cubrepisos en EEUU * Fusiones, adquisiciones y quiebras entre 1985-1995 * Disminución en la demanda y ventas, especialmente en el sector Residencial con una baja de 6% desde 1994. * Exceso de capacidad de fabricación. * Escasos márgenes de utilidad. En 1995, 100 fabricantes de alfombras y tapices se reparten el mercado de los EEUU. El 10% de los fabricantes tenía el 87% de las ventas en dólares de la industria y fabricaban el 75% de todas las alfombras y tapices. El otro 90 % de las empresas fabricantes eran de tamaño intermedio, tenían el 13% de las ventas en dólares y el 29% de éstos se especializaba solo en alfombras, perteneciendo Masterton Mills, Inc. a este último grupo. Las ventas en la industria de las Alfombras y Tapices
Consider the Arguments For and Against Having a Written Constitution.
Jade Fallen Consider the Arguments For and Against Having a Written Constitution A constitution is a set of rules and principles which determines the relationship between those who govern and those who are governed. It dictates who is in authority and governs the relationships between those who are in authority. It determines the ways that these people exercise their powers and instructs how they must operate. As a source of principles and values in each individual society it maintains how free and open the society is. In the United Kingdom the constitution aims to perpetuate a representative democratic society, yet the sources and evidence for this can not be found in one, singular written document entitled "The Constitution". Instead it can be found in many sources and documents such as the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Bill of Rights, designed to protect citizens from an abuse of power, by those in authority. A written constitution would serve invaluable as a clear index for courts to ascertain where a constitutional breach has occurred. In the United States of America a case Marbury v. Madison [1858] highlighted a situation where the government at the time passed a legislation which was contrary to the constitution. In this case the legislation was over-ruled by the courts as this was a right addressed to them by the legislation. This case highlights a fundamental
MRSA. About 1 in 3 of us carries SA on the surface of our skin, or in our nose without developing an infection. This is known as being colonised by the bacteria
MRSA MRSA (sometimes referred to as the superbug) stands for methicilin-resistent Staphylococcus aureus (SA). SA is the bacterium from the Staphylococcus aureus family. It was discovered in 1961 in the UK, it is now found worldwide. (www.mrsasupport.co.uk) The organism Staphylococcus aureus is found on many individuals skin and seems to cause no major problems. However, if it gets inside the body, for instance under the skin or in the body or into the lungs, it can cause important infections such as boils or pneumonia. Individuals who carry this organism are usually totally healthy, have no problems whatever and are considered simply to be carriers of the organism. About 1 in 3 of us carries SA on the surface of our skin, or in our nose without developing an infection. This is known as being colonised by the bacteria. However in addition to the boils and pneumonia, you call also contract impetigo, if they get into the bloodstream they can cause more serious infections. (www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk) The term MRSA or methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus is used to describe those examples of this organism that are resistant to commonly used antibiotics. Methicillin was an antibiotic used many years ago to treat patients with Staphylococcus aureus infections. Today it is no longer used except as a means of identifying this particular type of antibiotic resistance.
How does the usage of cinematography and editing in Michael Haneke's "Code Unknown" reinforce the lack of communication between characters?
FS1505 22 March 2011 Essay Emmi Makiharju How does the usage of cinematography and editing in Code Unknown reinforce the lack of communication between characters? Code Unknown: Incomplete Tales of Several Journeys is the most technical film of Austrian director Michael Haneke. Haneke is known for his minimalist approach both in technical and artistic terms. His editing is always meticulous and the cinematography and narratives are eccentric to say the least. Code Unknown follows the lives of four characters and their families who manage to somehow create havoc to each others existence. The film is composed of 46 scenes of which most are tracking shots, the longest lasting approximately nine minutes, without cuts. The scenes are abruptly cut, separated by a black screen that creates a mosaic reality, which is also visible in the narrative of the film. (Horton 2001) Haneke's films scrutinize the modern world, and Code Unknown especially explores communication and its importance in society and alienation that the contemporary world creates. The most visible form of cinematography in the film Code Unknown is the long take. Nearly all scenes are made with few or no cuts. The long take is an alternative to a series of shots, and is a strong creative resource. A long take, in this case, evokes emotions in the viewer without forcing it. In a series of short takes, the
What is a species?
What is a species? "Species is a Latin word meaning 'kind' or 'appearance.'" (Campbell and Reece, 2005, p.473). However, clarifying what actually constitutes a species is controversial, as Biologists cannot agree on a specific definition of the word. Species is a term used by humans in attempt to place different 'kinds' of organisms into distinct groups using taxonomy - biological classification. A scientific name in the form of a binomial nomenclature is used to describe these groups. It is always written in italics with the capitalised Latin genus name followed by the species name. Species, therefore, is a fundamental category in taxonomy and important in the scientific naming of organisms. It is therefore essential for us to have a proper understanding of species. However, as a consequence of Biologists being divided in opinion on the nature of species, several concepts have been proposed to define the term. Therefore the answer to the question 'what is a species?' differs depending on which species concept is applied. The biological species concept (BSC) is the most frequently used and widely accepted definition of species. This concept was originally proposed in 1942 by biologist Ernst Mayr. Ernst Mayr stated that "species are groups of interbreeding natural populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups." (Ernst, 1963 cited in Ridley,
Discuss the relevance of the concept of the rule of law to current constitutional arrangements in the UK
"In the mouth of British Constitutional Lawyer, the term "rule of law" seems to mean primary a corpus of basic principles and values, which together lend some stability and coherence to the legal order". (TRS Allan). In the light of the quote above, I am going to discuss the relevance of the concept of the rule of law to current constitutional arrangements in the UK. I will be looking at the current constitution in the UK, the doctrine of the rule of law and the relevance of the doctrine in the operation of state power. The UK is said to have an "unwritten constitution", because it has no single codified documentary constitution. However most of the constitution does exist in the written form of treaties, statutes and court judgements. Due to the absence of a formal written constitution in the UK, there is no positive statement of the basic principles governing state actions and no guidelines that could be used to assess the legitimacy of government action. Lawyers and politicians have used the concept of the rule of law in order to provide such a measure.1 The rule of law is capable of being interpreted differently by different people. It is a recognised principle of the English constitution, which is frequently used to signify a notion of "law and order". At it's broadest it is a framework that constrains arbitrary use of power. The concept of the rule of law dates
Has Neofunctionalism Been Superseded By A New 'Liberal Intergovernmentalism" As Currently The Most Convincing Theoretical Explanation of European Political Integration?
Has Neofunctionalism Been Superseded By A New 'Liberal Intergovernmentalism" As Currently The Most Convincing Theoretical Explanation of European Political Integration? From an ambitious project originally envisaged to remove the catastrophe of war from such a war-torn continent, the European project has proceeded in 'fits and starts'. Since its inception, there has been much debate regarding what forces drive the integration process forward. Why now, when interstate war in Europe seems impossible, do member states continue to 'pool' their sovereignty in so many areas? Two theories have dominated previous attempts to answer the question of "how and why states cease to be wholly sovereign, how and why they voluntarily mingle, merge and mix with their neighbours, so as to lose the factual attributes of sovereignty."1 Neofunctionalism, the idea that the integration process, once started, develops its own momentum for further integration, saw the height of popularity in the 1960s, following the initial success of the ECSC/EEC and the hugely influential theoretical explanation by Ernst Haas. The second theory, Liberal Intergovernmentalism, surfaced in the 1990s and was championed by Andrew Moravcsik. It saw flaws in neofunctionalist thinking and instead offered an alternative account in which the integrative process was always, and remains, in the hands of national governments;
Did Britain become a Classless Society after 1945?
Did Britain become a Classless Society after 1945? Matthew Woodward - The Road from 1945: Britain since the Second World War Social class in Britain played a key factor in determining a citizen's wealth, political power, education opportunities and more generally a person's lifestyle. The Cambridge International Dictionary of English defines class as "a group of people within society who have the same economical and social position" whilst Karl Marx argued that class was an 'economic category'1. Towards the end of the Second World War it was becoming increasingly suggestive that the British social classes were beginning to merge together in order to form what for former Prime Minister Harold Wilson once described as a 'classless' society. Social classes in Britain are traced back as far as the Industrial Revolution, seeing that it provided different parts of the country with various speeds of progress. The struggle of the working class and the dominance of capitalism highlighted class importance all throughout the nineteenth and most of the twentieth century. Since 1945, political events, traditions, national characteristics and consequences of the war all had an impact on the forms of class. Social analyst Michael Young argued that 'the lower classes no longer have a distinctive ideology with the ethos of society'2 suggesting that there was no reason for the British working
Offender Profiling...............USA or UK?
Aneeq Mushtaq Offender Profiling...............USA or UK? Offender profiling aims to present a composite description of a perpetrator, based on biographical and behavioural cues that can lead to the apprehension of that perpetrator. Profiling techniques have been used to narrow the focus of an investigation (by specifying the perpetrators location, sex or age) or to provide suggestions for interviewing suspects (McCann, 1992). As a result of collecting data and analysing evidence, the use of such techniques have led to arrests of serious criminals such as John Duffy (UK), who murdered his victims near railways (Canter 1989). This assignment will aim to compare and contrast the FBI's 'Crime Scene Analysis' of offender profiling with that of David Canter's 'Five Factor Model. The strengths and weaknesses of each approach will be highlighted including the main differences between profiling in the USA and UK. Due to the rapid increase of serial murders and rapes in the USA within the 1970's, the FBI invented the first systematic approach of offender profiling. Counteracting the rising numbers of serial murders lead to the development to the Behavioural Sciences Unit (BSU). BSU interviewed 36 convicted sexually orientated murderers and classified them into organised (average / above average intelligence, crime planned) or disorganised (low intelligence, messy crime scene,
The search of Arnold - Police stop and search powers.
The search of Arnold Introduction A police officer is given the power to stop and search a person under section 1(2) of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, where it states that a constable may search "any person or vehicle, anything which is in or on a vehicle, for stolen or prohibited articles or any articles to which subsection (8A) below applies". A police officer can also be given the power to randomly search people under s.60 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, without the need for reasonable suspicion. To consider whether the stop and search was lawful, I will begin by determining whether the statutory requirements were fulfilled for a s.1 PACE search, then the alternative means of searching Arnold, and finally questions over the legality of the search in other aspects of the law. S.1 Pace Search The first issue which we must deal with is where the section 11 search takes place. Under section 1 of PACE2, it specifies that a search may take place where the "public has access" or "any other place to which people have ready access at the time", but is not the suspect's garden. In this case it is in The Shires shopping centre in Leicester; this suggests that it complied with s.1(1) and 1(4) of PACE, unless the police officer took him to a part of the shopping centre which was not open to the public. However, this isn't specified in the information