
INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE PROBLEM Since the late 1980s, Business School marketing professor Itamar Simonson has looked for ways to understand how consumers make choices. Much of his work debunks the accepted theory that giving consumers what they want and making a profit are the most basic principles of marketing. Customers may not know what they want, and second-guessing them can be expensive, says the professor who teaches MBA and PhD marketing and consumer decision-making courses. In Simonson's words, "The benefits and costs of fitting individual customer preference are more complex and less deterministic than has been assumed." That's because "customer preferences are often ill-defined and susceptible to various influences, and in many cases, customers have poor insight into their preferences." In one of his recent papers, Simonson tackles the issue of one-to-one marketing and mass customization. Supporters of these marketing approaches have suggested that learning what customers want and giving them exactly what they want will create customer loyalty and an insurmountable barrier to competition. In an example taken to the extreme in the 2002 movie Minority Report, Tom Cruise's character runs through a shopping mall past talking billboards that recognize him by name and urge him to buy products he had earlier expressed an interest in such as jeans and Ray-Bans, the

  • Word count: 151453
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Engineering
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  • Word count: 65688
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Linguistics, Classics and related subjects
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Chapter Notes on Marketing Management by Philip Kotler 10th Edition

MARKETING MANAGEMENT Chapter 1 Marketing in the 21st century Chapter 2 Building Customer Satisfaction Value and Retention Chapter 3 Winning Markets: Market Oriented Strategic Planning Chapter 4 Gathering Information and measuring market demand Chapter 5 Scanning the Marketing Environment Chapter 6 Analyzing Consumer markets & Buying Behavior Chapter 7 Analyzing Business markets and Business Buying Behavior Chapter 8 Dealing with the Competition Chapter 9 Identifying Market Segments and Selecting Target Markets Chapter 10 Positioning the Market Offering Through the Product Life Cycle Courtesy: Marketing Management by Philip Kotler 10th Edition Chapter 1 Marketing in the 21st century Scope of Marketing Marketing people are involved in 10 types of entities: * Goods like eggs, steel, cars (Maruti!!!! Wow) * Services like airlines, hotels, barbers * Experiences like Walt Disney world's magic kingdom, at planet Hollywood * Events like Olympics, trade shows, sports events * Persons like celebrity marketing by making major film star as brand ambassador etc. * Places like cities, states, nations to attract tourists, factories, company headquarters, and new residents, like we use TAJ or say Nainital * Properties like real state owners market properties or agent markets securities * Organizations thru' Corporate identity ads like by using tag line 'Lets make

  • Word count: 64880
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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General Management - organisation, leadership and theories.

Guga Lucian GENERAL MANAGEMENT 2007 Edituversitatii Transilvania din Brasov ISBN (10) 973-635-852-6; ISBN(13) 978-973-635-852-4 CONTENTS 1. Introduction to management 3 1.1. The definition of management. 3 1.1.1. The four management functions 4 1.1.2. Management types 11 1.1.3. Management skills 14 1.2. Scientific management 22 1.3. The organizational environment 37 1.3.1. The international environment 37 1.3.2. The external environment 39 1.3.3. Internal environment 40 1.4. Managerial ethics 45 1.4.1. Managerial culture influence 45 1.4.2. Ethic codes 46 1.4.3. Managerial responsibility 47 1.4.4. Rules of managerial ethics 50 1.4.5. Types of companies according to managerial ethics 51 2. Managerial goals setting and planning 53 2.1. Overview of goals and plans 53 2.2. Goal characteristics 58 2.3. Develop a career plan 64 2.4. Managerial decision making 67 2.4.1. Management problem 67 2.4.2. Types of decisions and problems 69 2.4.3. Decisions making models 73 3. Organizing 85 3.1. Fundamentals of organizing 85 3.2. Achive strategic objectives 90 3.3. Departmentalization 98 3.4. Innovation and change 108 3.5. The management of investments 120 4. Leadership in organizations 134 4.1. Leading 134 4.1.1. The nature of leadership 134 4.1.2. Concepts of leadership 136 4.1.3. Principles of leadership 137 4.2. How to create leaders 159

  • Word count: 58107
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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Manipulating the Personal Journeys of Identity: Westernization and the Ottoman and Republican understandings of gender in Turkey.

MANIPULATING THE PERSONAL JOURNEYS OF IDENTITY: WESTERNIZATION AND THE OTTOMAN AND REPUBLICAN UNDERSTANDINGS OF GENDER IN TURKEY A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of Georgetown University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Communication, Culture, and Technology By Deniz Oktem, B.A. Washington, DC April 19, 2002 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction.........................................................................1 Chapter I...........................................................................18 Chapter II..........................................................................27 Chapter III.........................................................................46 Chapter IV.........................................................................83 Chapter V........................................................................110 Conclusion.......................................................................132 Works Cited.....................................................................148 Introduction Western-oriented modernism has greatly affected the formation of individual identities and gender relations around the world. This paper will focus on the construction of identity, gender and gender relations within the discourse of Westernization

  • Word count: 52766
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Social studies
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DROIT DES MÉDIAS ET DE L'INFORMATION Année académique 2004-2005 Avertissements liminaires: Depuis l'année 2003-2004, le cours de droit des médias et de l'information est donné en alternance avec un cours de droit des technologies de l'information. Si le cours de droit des technologies de l'information se préoccupe des contenants, le cours de droit des médias et de l'information s'intéressera, lui, aux contenus. Le plan du présent syllabus correspond à celui de l'enseignement dispensé au cours. Toutefois, il est rappelé aux étudiants que c'est l'enseignement qui reste déterminant pour juger l'importance respective des différents sujets abordés, et non la quantité de lignes, paragraphes ou pages se trouvant dans le présent syllabus. Certains passages du présent syllabus sont empruntés, moyennant remaniements, à certains articles ou ouvrages que j'ai publiés précédemment. Si la plupart des textes législatifs antérieurs au 1er octobre 1996 se trouvent dans le recueil "Medialex", édité avec Simon-Pierre De Coster (Kluwer, 1997), ceux publiés à partir de juin 1997 peuvent être consultés sur le site web du Moniteur ( ou sur le site du Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel ( Parmi les monographies les plus récemment publiées, on peut citer en Belgique le " Droit de la presse " de Hoebeke et Mouffe (Academia,

  • Word count: 51105
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: European Languages, Literature and related subjects
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PERCEIVED FAIRNESS OF AND SATISFACTION WITH EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in The School of Human Resource Education and Workforce Development by Marie Burns Walsh B.S., Louisiana State University, 1981 Master of Engineering, Louisiana State University, 1985 December, 2003 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My sincere thanks are given to each of my committee members for their participation in my academic efforts. Through the years I have learned from them and appreciated the opportunity they have afforded me in pursuing this degree. I am particularly thankful to Dr. Michael Burnett for his unfailing patience and guidance during the research and preparation of this dissertation. He shared his love of knowledge and research with me along with his time to help ensure successful completion of my academic journey. My family has offered me unconditional love and support through the years that it has taken me to complete this degree. My children, Catharine, Elizabeth and Matthew, have endured late meals, countless frozen pizzas and learned the fine arts of housekeeping and laundry while I attended night classes and worked on my research. I have been blessed with my husband, Michael,

  • Word count: 50722
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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Scurta istorie a lumii

Scurta istorie a timpului Stephen Hawking 1. Imaginea noastra despre univers Un savant bine cunoscut (unii spun ca a fost Bertrand Russell) a tinut odata o conferinta publica de astronomie. El a aratat cum pamântul se învârteste în jurul soarelui si cum soarele, la rândul sau, se învârteste în jurul centrului unei colectii vaste de stele numita galaxia noastra. La sfârsitul conferintei sale, o batrânica din fundul salii s-a ridicat si a spus: "Ceea ce ne-ati spus sunt prostii. În realitate, lumea este un disc asezat pe spatele unei broaste testoase gigantice." Savantul a avut un zâmbet de superioritate înainte de a replica: "Si pe ce sta broasca testoasa?" "Esti foarte destept, tinere, foarte destept," a spus batrâna doamna. "Dar sunt broaste testoase pâna jos." Majoritatea oamenilor ar gasi ridicola imaginea universului nostru ca un turn infinit de broaste testoase, dar de ce credem ca noi stim mai bine? Ce stim despre univers, si cum o stim? De unde vine universul si încotro merge? Are universul un început si daca da, ce s-a întâmplat înainte de acesta? Care este natura timpului? Va ajunge el la un sfârsit? Progrese recente ale fizicii, posibile în parte datorita unor tehnologii fantastice, sugereaza raspunsuri la unele dintre aceste întrebari vechi. Poate ca într-o zi aceste raspunsuri vor parea tot atât de evidente ca si miscarea pamântului

  • Word count: 50000
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Architecture, Building and Planning
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Innovation For Business Success. It is possible to be innovative in both large and small companies in Australia, and to derive significant business success from that innovation.

Innovation For Business Success Acknowledgements My sincere gratitude goes to the many people whom I have spoken to and learned from over the past year, on the subject of innovation capability. This clearly includes the many people who are running hard with innovation in our case study set, who gave their time willingly to allow me to interview them and learn how they achieved and sustained their innovation capability. Thanks in particular are due to Michele Hamdorf of GRLmobile, Gus Balbontin of Lonely Planet, Heather Box from Toyota, Daniel Liepnik of Specialty Textiles, Andrew Logan of Newcrest, Tony Ward from Microsoft, Syd Schneider of Stetchtex, Christopher Janssen from GPC Electronics, Phil Butler of Textor, and Steve Plarre from Ferguson Plarre who were my primary contacts and interviewees in the case study companies included in this study. Thanks also to their many colleagues, too numerous to mention, who I was also privileged to talk to and learn from. Your personal innovation efforts and your organisations' achievements in systematic innovation capabilities are in my view nothing short of heroic. These efforts and their outcomes collectively demonstrate and indeed prove that firms in Australia can successfully do more than just be an ordinary source of raw materials for the world, and that even in that endeavour, that innovation can be a real differentiator! You

  • Word count: 45984
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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Security System for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks

Security System for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks based on Generic Secure Objects Matei Ciobanu Morogan 2005 Ph.D. Thesis Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan Submitted as the partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Department of Computer and System Sciences, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan Department of Computer and Systems Sciences Doctoral Dissertation Department of Computer and System Sciences Stockholm University / Royal Institute of Technology ISBN 91-7178-019-X i Abstract As computing devices and wireless connectivity become ubiquitous, new usage scenarios emerge, where wireless communication links between mobile devices are established in an ad-hoc manner. The resulting wireless ad-hoc networks differ from classical computer networks in a number of ways, lack of permanent access to the global network and heterogeneous structure being some of them. Therefore, security services and mechanisms that have been designed for classical computer networks are not always the optimal solution in an ad-hoc network environment. The research is focused on analyzing how standard security services that are available in classical networks can be provided in an ad-hoc wireless network environment. The goal is to design a security system optimized for operation in ad-hoc wireless networks that provides the same security services -

  • Word count: 43019
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Mathematical and Computer Sciences
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