"How has student life at Lancaster University changed since the 1970's?"

I have decided to address the question: "How has student life at Lancaster University changed since the 1970's?" If I were to answer this question, I would want to compare the life of students at Lancaster University in the 1970's, just after the university was built, to the life that students now lead, in 2003. In order to do this, I would first need to decide what issues I want to consider, as the question is very broad, and may cover an extensive range of topics. Perhaps I would look at how many people attended the University in the 1970's and onwards, and if the number has changed dramatically in thirty years. I could also consider the gender divisions, and the number of international students; how these numbers have changed over a period of time, and how this has affected student lives. I could also converge on activities carried out by the students such as sporting activities, societies and clubs, and nightlife entertainment typically carried out by students. It would perhaps also be relevant to focus on the amount of money students have, or did have, and if the recent development of student loans has vastly changed the pattern of student life at Lancaster. There are numerous types of recent and historical evidence that I could obtain, in answering the proposed question. It would be interesting to look at the number of students at the university, and how this has

  • Word count: 1007
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Education and Teaching
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"How justified was Gladstone in his criticism of Disraeli's foreign policy as 'reckless, territorial expansionism"?

"How justified was Gladstone in his criticism of Disraeli's foreign policy as 'reckless, territorial expansionism"? Benjamin Disraeli was a divisive personality; he divided political opinion in his own time and has divided historical opinion posthumously. Some historians see him as a great statesman and father of the modern Tory Party, whereas others question the importance of him as a historical figure at all. The historical intrigue of Disraeli lies in his volatile with his opponent William Ewart Gladstone leader of the Liberal Party. The lead politicians of their day, the pair verbally sparred over many issues but none so frequently as Foreign Policy. Gladstone learnt early on in his career after the Crimean War, that his personal mantra of "Peace, Retrenchment, and Reform" didn't sit well with an imperial foreign policy, whereas for Disraeli the empire was the glittering jewel in Britain's crown as leading world power. Disraeli has been credit by many as a shrewd political thinker, and his idolization of Imperial Britain is seen by many as merely an effective device for uniting the electorate with jingoistic rhetoric. This essay will argue that Gladstone's criticism of Disraeli is misplaced, his actions were not reckless but carefully considered, and while some of his decisions were ethically debatable they were meticulously calculated to bring the Tory Party, (and

  • Word count: 1435
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Historical and Philosophical studies
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"How were Surrealists' interests in dreams and the unconscious reflected in the aesthetic and stylistic features of Un Chien andalou?"

Question 7: "How were Surrealists' interests in dreams and the unconscious reflected in the aesthetic and stylistic features of Un Chien andalou?" Largely free of production constraints, short, experimental and deliberately shocking, Un Chien andalou is considered by many to be one of the most notorious expressions of surrealism on film in the last century. At its most radical, the surrealist movement asked us to rethink fundamentally our preconceptions about cinema; to challenge and subvert. The film allowed the rapid entry of its two young directors, Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali, into the Surrealist movement. Films of this movement had been unsuccessful (for example, those of Man Ray and Antoine Arnaud) up until this point; Robert Short explaining that 'Part of the trouble was that Surrealism meant automatism - absolute fidelity to the voice of the unconscious unsullied by rational intentionality. And filmmaking cannot do without forethought, rehearsal and a certain technical expertise.'1 Bunuel himself clarifies that the film's plot is the result of a "conscious psychic automatism', and, to that extent, it does not attempt to recount a dream, although it profits by a mechanism analogous to that of dreams.'2 The surrealists were greatly influenced by Sigmund Freud, the Austrian founder of psychoanalysis. They were especially receptive to his distinction between the 'ego'

  • Word count: 2792
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Historical and Philosophical studies
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"How will information technology affect my life in the next 15 years?"

"How will information technology affect my life in the next 15 years?" This essay is about how information technology will affect my life in the next 15 years. Modern world is going through an 'information revolution and IT affect everyone in daily life. Its impact will be further extended in the next 15 years. Information technology will affect the method of communication. People will tend to use email, net meeting, ICQ or MSM, instead of writing letter for communication. In the next 15 year, this situation will become intensify. By using this kind of technology, I can communicate with others in a more efficient way. Information technology has become more and more important in the society of the 21st century and there are an increasing number of companies or organizations have computerized its own work practices. In the next 15 year there will be a growing demand for computer expert. That is why for education, it has to match the needs of employment and everyday life in the future. That means that there will be increasing number of I.T. programs in the future and the I.T course may become a compulsory subject in secondary schools or in university. This also means that whatever job I will take in the future, I have to got at least some basic computer knowledge. In the next 15 years, there may be increasing use of the e-books, e-articles, etc. I may not have to buy textbook

  • Word count: 617
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Media Studies
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"How Will the Honor Code Impact My Academic and Campus Life?"

"How Will the Honor Code Impact My Academic and Campus Life?" Honesty, respect, accountability, these are all the words that the honor code stands by. The honor code is a foundation on which academic integrity abides, and a line drawn between what's right and wrong. As an Xaverite, the honor code means more than just a statement to me, it is a living entity, a guideline that the University vows by, and those that break the code have to meet the consequences. During my four years at Xavier, I plan on striving for leadership and academic excellence by incorporating the ideas of the honor code into my daily life. I realize that the honor code will be fundamental to my life, both during and after college. Academic knowledge is the basis on which future prosperity and financial security have been determined. Now while some students sink to obtain good grades by cheating, I feel that this is just morally wrong. Cheating will not help a person get far in life; it will only harm a student at the end and keep them from achieving their potential. Not only can cheating take a devastating toll on a student's future, but their social life as well. The opportunity to work so little and achieve excellent grades is staring all students in the face, however cheating places a student at great risks for ruining the rest of his/her life. Personally, I'm not trying to gamble with my

  • Word count: 717
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Education and Teaching
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"I am who I remember being." Does this express the truth about personal identity over time?

"I am who I remember being." Does this express the truth about personal identity over time? When answering the above question we must analyse the nature of personal identity over time. The problem of personal identity is problematic, as we need to analyse and distinguish what exactly makes a person. We firstly need to distinguish between the body, the brain, personality, the mind and the soul. Some of these provide better identity criteria than others, as the existence of such entities as a soul are hard to prove. The two main groups we can identify a person under are that of a physical identity, and that of a psychological or mental identity. We must also be aware of the distinction of numerical and qualitative identity. The two forms of identity are both problematic when relating them to personal identity. Numerical identity requires us to be numerically exact when comparing two people over time. If we assume that a person is fundamentally a human body then we would use numerical identity to determine if we are indeed the same person we were five years ago. Biologists would perhaps suggest that we are simply a complex series of matter brought about by evolutionary processes. Our thoughts are nothing more than chemical reactions in the complex matter of our brains and there is no distinction between our thoughts and our bodies. Our brains are simply parts of our bodies,

  • Word count: 1260
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Historical and Philosophical studies
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"I think, therefore I am." Descartes was one of the first philosophers to delve into the idea that humans were more than just flesh and blood.

"I think, therefore I am." Descartes was one of the first philosophers to delve into the idea that humans were more than just flesh and blood. How a person judged their environment and formed their opinions justified their existence. He began to question how anyone could know anything for sure, if no one was certain of the reasoning behind it. Descartes began to doubt and disbelieve everything in order to ascertain the truths of the world. He formed the notion that, perhaps, the physical world did not exist, but was rather an image created by a powerful and malevolent demon in his mind. He was of the opinion that humans knew very few truths about their world, given that they held to traditional assumptions without questioning the integrity of these common-held beliefs. This lead to Descartes questioning the divine appointment of the King, from which Descartes' effect on the French Revolution becomes apparent. Whilst he lived between 1596 and 1650, over one hundred years before the Revolution began, Descartes' belief was carried through to become a fundamental aspect of the Revolution; questioning the King's right to govern as the sole autocrat. Descartes held that by means of questioning alone, certain self-evident truths would become apparent from which the remaining content of science and philosophy could be derived. Through these truths, the remainder of the physical world

  • Word count: 795
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Historical and Philosophical studies
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"If faced with rising inflation, the government might apply a severe contradictory economic policy. What might that involve and what might be the effects upon a business of your choice?"

BUSINESS STUDIES H/W 2 Q: "If faced with rising inflation, the government might apply a severe contradictory economic policy. What might that involve and what might be the effects upon a business of your choice?" Inflation is the general rise in prices across a wide range of goods and services. Inflation is also the loss in the purchasing power of money. The government may apply a contradictory policy; this may include changing the interest rates. This will mean it becomes more expensive for people and businesses to morrow money. Therefore, businesses will invest less. Individual will consume less because they will be paying more else where in mortgages reducing the amount of surplus money that would have normally been available. The cuts in investment and the cuts in spending will mean a reduction in the level of demand in the economy. The second method is by increasing Taxes, this reduces purchasing power and consumption generally. The third method to reduce inflation is by cutting government spending. The business is a small drinks warehouse outlet by the name of Bay Distribution. This company is growing and each year it makes more investments. I rise is interest rates would affect this company a lot because it trying to invest by increasing it sales. I rise in the interest by the government will affect the consumers as the cost of borrowing money increases, meaning

  • Word count: 865
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Business and Administrative studies
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"If one accepts that it is through close conditioning that a women learns to conform, and that it is this close supervision w

"If one accepts that it is through close conditioning that a women learns to conform, and that it is this close supervision which prevents criminality, then any lessening of the control would lead to increased criminality" (Williams 2004, pp. 469-70) Introduction In a direct response to the quotation, the essay will attempt to identify a possible causal link between the development of the modern 'women's movement' and an assumed increase in female criminality. The discourse and debates within the discipline will be evaluated to determine if there has been an increased female criminality since the 1960's. The assessment will further be improved by analogy of criminal statistics prior and post manumission and collate those findings to current statistical data. Other suggested alternative explanations, social forces such as 'marginalisation' and the possible changing attitudes of law enforcement agencies in regards to the processing of female offenders will also be considered. In regards to the ensuing impact of a feminist critique, the creation of various strands of feminist theory will be outlined and defined within the appendix because of the wordage constraint. 'Malestream' Criminology Historically, to a large extent, Criminology through facilitation of its meta- narratives has been perceived as failing to provide valid explanations and empirical research in relation to

  • Word count: 3622
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Social studies
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"If real world markets can be made to resemble more closely the economists model of perfect competition, economic efficiency will improve"

"If real world markets can be made to resemble more closely the economists model of perfect competition, economic efficiency will improve" Perfect competition would exist when there are a large number of small firms all producing a homogenous product, and not one firm in the market has monopoly power to amend prices. These companies are competing against each other on the production costs and also the retail price. For an industry to be perfectly competitive then several assumptions need to be made these are that there are a very large number of buyers and sellers and none of the buyers or sellers can influence the ruling market price by their actions. All the buyers and sellers possess perfect market information and the goods they are providing are homogenous. Finally there are few barriers to entry and exit of the market. I use the term "would exist" simple because an industry performing under perfect competition is simply not feasible. There are a number of types of efficiency these include; Dynamic efficiency is concerned with how resources are allocated over a period of time, for example there would be greater efficiency if a firm distributed less profit to it's shareholders but instead invested more of the money into. Allocative efficiency occurs when resources are used to produce the goods and services that consumer wish to buy. For example a consumer wants to

  • Word count: 931
  • Level: University Degree
  • Subject: Media Studies
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