Compare the American dream with the reality of a migrant worker in Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men

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Of Mice and Men is a novel written by John Steinbeck in 1937. John Steinbeck's novel concentrates on the lives of migrant workers. Steinbeck's purpose is to show the reality of achieving the American Dream- as the title suggests. 'To a Mouse... The best laid schemes o' Mice and Men, Gang aft agley,' is the source of the book's title. It translates roughly into 'no matter how well we may plan the future, things often go wrong.

The American dream posed the idea that every individual - through hard work and personal sacrifice could achieve success, by being their own boss on their own land. The American government started this concept; they encouraged the idea by giving out free land. But unfortunately the Wall Street Crash crushed the dream in 1929. The U.S entered a period of economic depression, and during this period hoards of migrant workers came to California in search of work, the dream on their minds. Most of these migrants were men who traveled alone; they had no friends or family around. They moved from ranch to ranch working for a short time at each never able to settle. They worked very hard in poor conditions on poor pay, therefore Migrant workers had to dream of a better future in order to survive. Without dreams no one would have a reason to keep going.

Steinbeck's main task is to show the reality of a migrant's life and the reality of achieving their dream. Steinbeck does various things in the story to create an atmosphere of reality. One thing is he uses a geographical setting- the places are real and the storyline is in a chronological order; chapter 1 is Thursday night, chapter 2 is Friday morning, chapter 3 is Friday evening and so on. Real life items are used like the pulp magazine. Steinbeck uses dialect and colloquial language, which helps to add to the realism of the story. For example 'Awright,' he said brusquely. 'Gi'me that mouse!' says George Milton.
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The purpose of this essay is to compare the migrant workers real life with their dream. I will start by looking at their dreams. George and Lennie are the two migrant workers's who are the focus of the story.

Every migrant worker would dream of a better future. George and Lennie represent any migrant of their time. Their dream is to save up enough 'stake' money to buy their own small ranch, thereby escaping from the poverty, insecurity and inevitable loneliness of the life of a migrant worker. George and Lennie see themselves different from other migrants. ...

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