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Publishing, Formatting & Content
Please click on the question to get the answer.The database of work has been collated over the years exclusively from students submitting their own work to our websites. The teacher and reviewer feedback, plus the subject specific hints and tips are all provided by our in-house team of experts. The collective input provides you with the information needed to write grade winning work.
When it comes to removing essays from the site that have been uploaded for free site usage, we have a strict policy. We will of course remove essays should they be replaced with an alternative submission or a paid subscription is taken out on the site. This is to guard against the site being exploited for free access, resulting in no benefit to the site and the MarkedByTeachers community.
Work can only appear on our site if a user submits it to one of our online coursework libraries (not necessarily Marked by Teachers), and accepts our terms and conditions which state that they guarantee that they have the intellectual property rights for that document. If someone has fraudulently submitted your work to our site, please send us the URL of the document (the address in address bar of your browser), along with a short description of the problem. Our team will then investigate the issue and may require further information from you.
Please note that in 90% of all such instances it ends up that the user did actually submit their work to one of our websites, so please don't be too quick to leap to any conclusions.
If the document doesn't have a reference list and bibliography (located at the end of the document), then I'm afraid it means that these items were not submitted with the original document and therefore we don't have access to them.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this – however you can reference the essay itself in your own work - for more information on how to do this, please see our guide to good referencing – Avoid Plagiarism Like the Plague.
We do not offer a customer writing service or any direct help with coursework. Please check out our Essay writing guide https://www.markedbyteachers.com/essay-writing-guide/ for helpful tips and advice.
Also you can view any and all essays on your subject by using our advanced search tool which can be found at the top of the screen or by clicking on this page: https://www.markedbyteachers.com/search/. Just fill in the fields you need to refine your search and get the results you're looking for.
We advise that you read the essays in your chosen subject area that have been marked by teachers/peer reviewed to help with your studies, as our team pick essays from our database to highlight particular points of interest that they believe best highlight important points that will help students write better essays.
If you want your name to be included in your coursework, then please put your name in the document when you submit it. If you do not put your name in the essay, then it will be anonymous.
Note that during the essay upload process we ask for your full name – this isn’t for publishing with your document. We submit it to TurnItIn to ensure that you are recorded as the original author.
All work should be submitted to us in the form that you want it to appear on the site. However if you've forgotten to remove your name, or any other sensitive information, please contact us. Please be sure to include the full URL of the document (the address in your web browsers address bar) in your email.
In general, anything that will be of use to our visitors! (including, coursework, homework assignments, lab projects, fieldwork, research assignments, exam preparation notes and controlled assessment preparation). This usually means that the work should be greater than 500 words in length for GCSE documents, 800 words for AS/A-level and IB, and 1,200 words for university level; that it is grammatically sound; original (all essays are automatically checked to see if they appear elsewhere on the Internet – essays should be your own work, and not taken from another site); and appropriate (not unnecessarily offensive).
We normally process all submitted work within 24 hours. Please remember that you can always get instant access by paying to subscribe/extend your account, should you be in a hurry.
Please check your "My published essays" (found in "My account" in the top right hand corner of every page, when logged in). This should tell you the status of all submitted work.
Very occasionally we get just too busy and don't manage to process all the work within 24 hours. We hate it when this happens, and will be beavering as fast as we can to catch up. If you do wait longer than 24 hours please try and be patient. If you do need to view our coursework urgently, remember that you can gain instant access by paying from as little as £6.99 per month.
All submitted work needs to pass our quality control process before it is published and a free pass credit is applied to your account. We aim to complete that quality control process in less than 24 hours. If your work passes quality control then we'll let you know by email. However, you will need to activate your free pass from your "My published essays" page (found in "My account" in the top right hand corner of every page, when logged in).
You will need to activate your free pass from your "My published essays" page (found in "My account" in the top right hand corner of every page, when logged in).
Your free pass, once activated, will last for 24 hours. If you have had multiple essays pass our quality control process, then each one will receive its own free pass that will need to be activated by you (n.b. free passes will remain usable for 12 months – please ensure they are activated, when needed, within that period).
Reasons for individual instances vary, but generally involve one or more of the following:
· Not long enough – 400 words minimum
· Bits missing – graphs, diagrams, references or bibliography
· A single experiment, project or essay may have been split up and submitted in different files, thus making each individual submission incomplete
· Copied from elsewhere
· The work may have already been submitted and accepted
· Hard to understand – Poor spelling or grammar
· Wrong format – We support .doc .docx .rtf and .txt file formats
· File may have been submitted incorrectly
· File may not have been saved correctly
· Irrelevant – Not likely to be of use to others
· Junk/Gibberish/Inappropriate
However, given that we process hundreds of documents every day, hopefully you'll understand that occasionally mistakes happen. If you feel this is the case then please resubmit your work and we'll take another look.
Log in to the site using your email and password (you can do this from the top right corner of any page). Then click on the "My account" option (located just below the Log in/out button on every page) and choose "Upload your essays".
Note – please ensure that you have permission to upload your work, either from the institution the work was written for or in the case of group work, all group members that contributed.
The documents within our database are user generated and although it is unlikely that we wont have something useful for you it does sometimes happen. Please use our search tool to find similar documents.
Teacher and Peer Reviews
Please click on the question to get the answer.1. Interpretation of question
2. Level of analysis
3. Quality of writing
Payment and Subscriptions
Please click on the question to get the answer.
Please try updating your current browser to its latest version or try using an alternative browser.
If the problem persists please contact us with details of your problem and which browser you are using and we will investigate.
Note: if you have previously had an account that expired, then you will not be able to create a new account with the same details. To renew your account you just need to log in and either make a payment, or submit some of your own work to get a free pass. Or sign up using a different email address.
All subscriptions, whether they are on a monthly or annual basis, are automatically renewed, i.e. have recurring payments. However these subscriptions can be cancelled at any time, after the initial payment has been made. Simply log on to the site, then in your "My account" (in the top bar of the page under the Log in/out button) click on the option to cancel your subscription and choose the options that are right for you.
Note – If you wish to cancel your subscription, it is your responsibility to do so.
If you haven't already signed up with Marked by Teachers then simply click on the "Sign up" button (in the top right hand corner of every page). Then simply make the right choices for how you want to use the site.
If you already have an account, then log in (from the top right corner of any page). Then click on the "My account" option (located just below the Log in/out button on every page) and choose "Subscribe now".
Note: if you have previously had an account that expired, then you will not be able to create a new account with the same details. To renew your account you just need to log in and either make a payment, or submit some of your own work to get a free pass. Or sign up using a different email address.
Please make sure that you are entering your log in details exactly as they were written whilst signing up to the site. Remember usernames and passwords are case-sensitive. This means PAssWOrd is NOT the same as pAsSwORD.
Check that you are not including any spaces/punctuation that were not originally included. If you are definitely entering the correct log in details, please contact us with your username and email address used for signing up.
Log in to Marked by Teachers (located in the top right corner of any page) using your email address and password. Then click on the "My account" option (located just below the Log in/out button on every page) and choose "Subscribe now".
If you didn't cancel the subscription yourself there could be a number of reasons why this has happened – the common ones are:
1. Insufficient funds in your PayPal account (if you pay via this method)
2. Card details have expired
In either case it is easy to renew – just follow the instructions in the point above. Note – if you are concerned that your account has expired and you would like to talk to a member of our team please feel free to contact us.
We accept all the main credit/debit cards, but we can't take cheques or telephone/email orders as they are not as secure and too expensive for us to process.
Please try clearing your cache or using a different browser. If the problem persists then please contact us.
In Internet Explorer: Tool > Internet Options > Browsing history > Delete > Delete
In Firefox: Tool > Options > Privacy > Clear your recent history > Clear Now
In Chrome: Tool > Clear browsing data > Clear browsing data
In some circumstances it may be that your account activity has triggered our security system (in place to detect unusual account activity e.g. excessive document downloads). Again, please contact us and we will investigate.
If you don't cancel at least 1 day before the due date, your payment might still go through. This is the way some payment systems we use work like Paypal. Please contact us and we will get this resolved for you.
Username, Login and Password
Please click on the question to get the answer.
Email addresses and passwords are case-sensitive. This means PAssWOrd is NOT the same as pAsSwORD.
Check that you are not including any spaces/punctuation that were not included in the original. If you are definitely entering the correct log in details, please contact us immediately (please have your username and email address – used for sign-up – to hand).
For sure, go to log in and click on the "Forgotten your password?" link. We will then send you an email with a link in it to change your password.
Log in to Marked by Teachers using your username and password (this can be done from the top right corner of any page). Then click on the "My account" option (located just below the Log in/out button on every page) and choose "My details". You can update both your password and email address on that page.
Or if you’ve forgotten your log in details to your registered email address, then please contact a member of our team who will be happy to update your email address and also let you know what your log in details are.
Cancellations and Refunds
Please click on the question to get the answer.
We will give refunds where they are genuinely deserved e.g. if our site has not delivered what it should have done.
We are not however able to give refunds in circumstances that are completely down to user error or lack of attention (e.g. failing to cancel your subscription before your renewal date, having two subscriptions and only cancelling one, etc.).
We do however commit to being completely fair and reasonable in deciding whether to give refunds or not. If you wish to apply for a refund, then please contact us.
To cancel your subscription first log in to Marked by Teachers using your chosen username and password. This can be done by clicking on the "Log in" button in the top right corner of any page of our website, and entering your details (if you have forgotten your password you can reset it from a link in an email triggered from the log in area – just click "Forgotten your password?").
Once you are logged in, just click on the "My account" option (located just below the Log in/out button). Click on the option to cancel your subscription and choose the options that are right for you.
Yes, your account will be active for the remainder of your subscription. For instance, if you signed up for the monthly subscription on January 1st and you cancelled on January 15th, your account would still be active until February 1st.
You still have a question?
If you cannot find a question in our FAQ, you can always contact us. Please complete the form below and we will answer you shortly!