Examine how Arthur miller uses the play format to influence the audiences feelings towards Eddie

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Examine how Arthur miller uses the play format to influence the audiences feelings towards Eddie

The play 'A view from the bridge' was written in 1955 by Arthur Miller; a man who's play was heavily influenced by the work and lives in the communities of dockworkers and longshoremen. This play examines individuals, characters like Eddie, and their responsibilities and position in society. In addition, Miller also reveals to the audience a meaningful understanding way of how Eddie thinks, acts and behaves to his surroundings. While doing this, he also portrays a different perspective of what family and Italian culture is like, based on his own past experiences with Italian immigrants. It is this, which dramatizes the themes of conflict, betrayal, love and obsession.

The American immigration system at the time was at its peak and due to the 'American dream' many were illegal. Arthur Miller's play was influenced by this immigration system in America as he had heard stories and personal experiences involving illegal immigrants. At first he didn't act upon this idea, but after visiting Italy it inspired him to write a play influenced by the social, historical and cultural background of these Italian communities.

At the beginning of the play Alfieri sets the scene by showing his perspective through a monologue. The language he uses is direct, formal and expressive of what the characters mean. By the end of Alfieri's first speech Miller uses the dialogue to influence the audience into thinking their interpretation of Eddie Carbonne to be one of the main characters and to be identified as the hero of this particular tragedy. Alfieri acts as an engaged narrator. He is the bridge between the audience and the action on stage; because he can speak directly to the audience he has the power to guide the audience in their responses towards Eddie. "He was a good man as he had to be in a life that was hard and even." Even though this was said early on in the play this still had an impact of the audience's views towards Eddie's character.
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The opening of the play also highlights Eddie to be seen as a decent and respected member of the community as he and his wife Beatrice were responsible for bringing up Catherine, Beatrice's niece, when her parents died. This established Eddie as a father figure, which could explain why Rodolpho and Marco came to stay with him when they first arrived in America. The respect earned from this conveyed in many ways, such as Catherine fetching and lighting a cigar for him, and a more important way in terms of status, twice interrupting his wife in mid speech, ...

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