Investigating the Rate of Reaction Between Marble Chips and Hydrochloric Acid

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* Introduction

This chemistry investigation was performed to investigate the rate of reaction (speed) between Marble Chips (Calcium Carbonate - CaCl ) and Hydrochloric Acid (HCL). In this investigation I want to find out whether the concentration of Hydrochloric Acid will affect the amount of Carbon Dioxide being given off.

The reaction rate would tell me how fast or slow a chemical reaction is and there are four things that could affect this greatly, they are: -

Concentration: An increase in concentration means there are more particles. More particles means there will be more collisions. This should increase the reaction rate.

Surface Area: when one of the reactants is solid, the reaction can only take place at the surface of the solid. Breaking the solid into smaller pieces will increase the surface area exposed to the other reactant. This should increase the reaction rate.

Temperature: since temperature is a measure of the motion of particles, increasing the temperature will cause the particles to move faster. When particles move faster, more collisions occur and the collisions are more violent. This should increase the reaction rate.

Catalysts: catalysts are substances that change the rate of a chemical reaction without being changed in the reaction. Catalysts are most often used to speed up a chemical reaction. They do so by changing the steps needed between reactants and the formation of the products. If the number of steps can be reduced, the reaction rate should increase.

Pressure: In terms of gas, increasing the pressure means the molecules are compressed together further. This means that there will be more collisions due to the lack of space for the molecules to move around.

* Reaction Rate

The Reaction Rate is often related to the Collision Theory, which describes the way temperature, concentration and surface area of the solid reactant affects the rate of reaction, by affecting collisions from particles. Particles react when they collide with sufficient energy. At a higher temperature collisions are more frequent and they also have more energy, both because particles are moving faster. At a higher concentration collisions are again more frequent, as there are more reactant particles in the liquid. Increase surface are of the solid again increases the frequency of collision between reacting particles, as the liquid reactant has greater contact with the solid one. The rate of reaction can also be increased by adding a catalyst, but there is not one of this used in this experiment.

Chemical reactions proceed at different speeds depending on the type of reacting substances and the type of chemical transformation. In general, reactions in which ions (electrically charged particles) combine or separate occur very quickly, while those in which covalent bonds are formed or broken are much slower. For a given set of reactants, the speed of the reaction will vary with the temperature or pressure on the experiment and the amounts of reactants used. Ordinarily the reaction will gradually slow down as the reactants become used up. In some cases the addition of a substance not itself a reactant, (the catalyst), accelerates a reaction that normally takes place at a very low rate.

* Concentration

Reaction rates can be increased if the concentration of reactants is raised. An increase in concentration produces more collisions. The chances of an effective collision goes up with the increase in concentration. Only experimental observation reveals the link between concentration and reaction rates.

* Safety

As with any investigations great care should be taken and the experiment should be undertaken in a sensible manner.

I will wear safety goggles throughout the investigation.

I will be careful so as not to spill any acid, but would ensure there was nothing near the experiment that could cause an accident or be damaged if an accident did occur.
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We will assign one person to be in charge of the pure hydrochloric acid and one person to be in charge of the mixed solution of Hcl and marble chips, thus to prevent confusion as these are corrosive and harmful solutions.

In this experiment I will have to make sure I am careful with all glassware in case it breaks and if it does to make sure it is immediately cleaned up. As I will be using a conical flask its wide bottom gives a more secure base.

I will ensure that there is nothing ...

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