Retail case studies - Asda and Cricket fashion

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Task 5: ASDA and Cricket

 ASDAS Responsive to consumer needs:

ASDA have to respond to customer need so that they don’t lose sales. If ASDA respond to customer needs well then they will make a good profit. When ASDA respond to customers they listen to what they have to say. When ASDA respond to customers quickly it will generate loyalty. ASDA have to respond to customer needs so that they maintain their global status and market position. If ASDA don’t respond to customer needs then customer will go somewhere else. A disadvantage for responding to customer needs is that ASDA will have to adapt to insure that there are no language barriers.

Crickets-Responsive to consumer needs:

Cricket will have to supply customers with the designer brands that respond to customers’ needs. If cricket respond to customer needs then they will make good sales and make a good profit. If cricket don’t respond to customer needs then customers will go somewhere else. A disadvantage for cricket is that the products that they sell aren’t their own brands; they are designer labels so they don’t know what stock their getting in.

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ASDAS Costs incurred:

There are many costs involved in ASDAS distribution system. ASDA need to train staff to use the equipment applied for the particular job. ASDAS staff will need to know how to use the equipment correctly so that they can distributive the products quicker. A disadvantage of this is that ASDA may pay out a lot for distributing the products but this is made back when the products are sold. The advantages of this are that the products supplied are a lot quicker. Getting products in to the store is vital because it keeps up with customer demand.


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