Thomas Capozzoli wrote, in Conflict Resolution - A Key Ingredient in Successful Teams, ".

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Thomas Capozzoli wrote, in Conflict Resolution – A Key Ingredient in Successful Teams, “although many people and organizations view conflict as an activity that is usually negative and should be avoided, conflict is a natural result of people working together” (Capozzoli 14).  Capozzoli agrees with many other writers concerning the team concept, in which people tend to disagree from time to time.  Conflict disrupts situations when the members of the group are unable to manage the situation correctly.  When members of a group are unable to communicate, then the possibility of a productive outcome will drastically decline.  Capozzoli attempts to educate team members with the knowledge of conflict resolution.  The ability to understand the nature of a conflict, its causes, and resolution strategies will allow individuals to handle their situations in a positive manner.

In its simplicity, conflict is not visible until people make it so by arguing or fighting.  The ability of people to manage and resolve the conflict determines whether the conflict is destined to be destructive or constructive.  How, considering the management of the conflict, does the team or team members react regarding the effects of the conflict, whether positively or negatively?  If effectively managed, conflict affects the team positively by means of individual and group gains.  Conflict allows room for people to change and grow personally by allowing the individual to accept and resolve a situation without negativity.  As pertaining to the group, conflict builds cohesiveness amongst the members and those affected by the conflict in general.  On the other hand, conflict can emphasize negativity to everyone involved.  Examples of what can go wrong if teams improperly handle conflict are the eradication of individual or team morale, unclear assignments, missed schedules, or an overall lack of focus within the team.

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There are several factors that can manipulate a team's effectiveness, ranging from individual values to resources available to the team.  Unfortunately, an individual is at fault more often than any external reason.  Individuals within a group may intensify certain conflicting issues due to their differing cultural values, attitudes, needs, or personalities.  “Conflict often results when we fail to check our perceptions and assumptions about the other party’s attitudes and motives” (Thompson, Aranda, and Robbins 238).  Each member’s perception and expectation of a conflicting issue may also result in negative teamwork.  People, in general, do not see eye to eye and ...

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