I have been asked by a company called Electrosales to research the security market and produce a range of designs for products that would sell in reasonable numbers. I will produce a prototype.

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I have been asked by a company called Electrosales to research the security market and produce a range of designs for products that would sell in reasonable numbers. I will produce a prototype- the first example of the product. I then should test and evaluate my design with to see how good it is and to suggest improvements. I have to design both the circuit and the casing onto which it would fit. I think security is a work-wide field because nearly everything relies on security- homes, workplaces, entertainment places etc.

Questions I need to ask myself:

Who will want my design? Most probably the company and their buyers.

What will I create? I don’t know just yet, but anything to do with security.

Why will I create it? Because I will gain money from it.

Where shall I make it? In a developing country where the labor is cheap.

When shall I buy the materials? When I have calculated what I need.

How often shall I restock? Every time at least over half have gone.

How many shall I produce? At first 50, but if people buy a lo of the product we shall go up to 200 and then see what happens from then on.

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How much shall it cost? We must make sure that our income is a lot more than our outcome then we can expand.

Types of security:

  1. Locks
  2. Gates
  3. Passwords.
  4. Riddles
  5. Retinal Scanners
  6. Voice Recognizers
  7. Fingerprint recognizer.
  8. Usernames
  9. Keys

   10. Alarms


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