Comparing Flight by Doris Leesing & Your shoes by Michele Roberts How are they similar?

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Comparing Flight by Doris Leesing

& Your shoes by Michele Roberts

How are they similar?

The narrator in Your shoes is emotional and thinks she knows best and she wants the best for her fifteen year old teenager who is getting involved in drugs and sex. The Grandfather in Flight is also similar as he also thinks he knows what is best for those around him, in this case his granddaughter who is set to marry but he thinks this is foolish and ludicrous. “She’s the last,” he mourned. “Can’t we keep her a bit longer?”

Both of these characters are possessive and don’t won’t to let go to what is dearest to them. Both characters act more possessive due to previous experiences, the Grandfather has seen other grandchildren get married and leave home. The narrator in Your Shoes continually refers to her troubled childhood where she felt she was ignored.

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“She loved you more than she loved me.”

The Narrators daughter is similar to the granddaughter in Flight, as she wants to experience new things by herself; this troubles the two characters as they are seen as possessive.

Both short stories have a similar theme as they both deal with troubled teens and how the mother and daughter relate with each other. Both mothers in the story are very fond of their daughters and feel they have a good relationship with them.

The style and language is similar as they both describe in detail actions and passages of conversation.

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** 2 STARS Some perceptive comments and sometimes uses PEA effectively. Quite a short essay with no conclusion but does successfully compare the two poems and so remains focused on the question. More PEA needed.