Explore Walkers Portrayal of Female Identity - The Color Purple

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Gabby Durham

Explore Walkers Portrayal of Female Identity  

“Teach only the boys.” (Page 146) In many cases this term would be considered sexist: However, when reading The Color Purple it becomes evident that the men as well as the boys are the ones who are in need of education. This education is not confined to the academic sense, but Walker rather emphasises their need to acquire the understanding of equal rights. The women may not receive any academic education but they were still equal to men in their ability to work, as Walker shows through several strong female role models throughout The Color Purple. The things that the women have experienced have taught them things about life that no man would ever understand: The gift of tolerance, understanding and a positive mind.

Celie has to undergo a lot of traumatic experiences throughout The Color Purple. Walker uses this to mould her into the “stereotypical” submissive woman. Walker then continues to develop Celie’s stereotypical role of mother and wife by forcing her into another destructive relationship, both emotionally and physically. This relationship affected her attitude towards men but also her self-confidence towards women and children who possess the confidence she does not.  Although Walker has portrayed Celie as a weak individual, Mr calls her “You black, you pore, you ugly, youa woman. Quotations like this show just what level of racism and sexism Celie and maybe Walker herself had to compete with. Walker may have portrayed Celie in this way to exaggerate the fact that she is also filled with courage. She tries to stand up to Mr ____ , and claims she will “ curse him” until “you[ he] do right by me”. Mr ___, claims Celie is “nothing at all”.    Despite this abuse Celie has the courage to carry on and live her life despite its restrictions.

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Walker uses each character to reflect all the different elements of female identity. Celie is portrayed as weak, Sophia is portrayed as powerful, Nettie educated and Shug leads the glamorous life every women dreams of. Walker seems to use a variety of different characters to provide comparison and influence in all of the female characters lives. The ongoing influence is the typical 1930s society. Society is responsible for imposing the status quo, which heaven forbid Celie would ever rebel against. “I don’t fight; I stay where I’m told. But I’m alive.”(Page 22)She has lost her sister, her freedom and her ...

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A well written essay which contains many valid points and shows knowledge and understanding of the novel. It also shows knowledge of historical and social context. Statements are backed up by appropriate quotes in places but more needed. The essay needs to be more structured and needs to use topic sentences to refer to the essay question at the beginning of each paragraph. It is a very broad question and at times the student seems to have 'got lost' in the enormity of trying to give a thorough answer.