Show the importance, to the play, of the opening scene and the two scenes in which Macbeth meets the witches.

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Francesca Abbott S4X

Macbeth Coursework

Show the importance, to the play, of the opening scene and the two scenes in which Macbeth meets the witches.

        The witches are a vital ingredient in Macbeth, as they encourage Macbeth’s tragic downfall.  The extent to which they are responsible for his eventual downfall is an issue that I will explore at length in this essay.  The play creates the inevitable question ‘are they real’?  They play an important role bringing an unsettling atmosphere, which creates a frightened response from the audience.  The play arouses thoughts of good and evil, and also has many references that stay faithful to the Elizabethan beliefs.  In this essay I wish to explore the true roles of the weird sisters.  

        From the beginning of the play the witches display their knowledge of Macbeth’s weakness.  “There to meet with Macbeth,” this excerpt is taken from act 1 scene 1.  Commencing from this we are aware from the beginning that the witches know Macbeth, even if he does not know them.  Throughout the play they abuse their supernatural knowledge of Macbeth. “By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes; open locks, whoever knocks.” They strive to crack him so he will give into his ambition.  Some people believe that the witches are fully responsible for the murder and if the witches had not have enticed Macbeth then he would not have murdered Duncan.  I, however, do not agree with this theory.  The witches merely warped Macbeth’s mind pushing him in the wrong direction.  Macbeth has a tragic flaw.  The word tragic is when; in a play the hero is destroyed by a personal failing in adverse circumstances. Macbeth failed to resist the temptation of giving into his ambition, of being king, even if it meant killing his cousin.  

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        Throughout the play we are constantly reminded of the opposing forces.  Good and evil, trust and lies, honesty and dishonesty and natural against unnatural.  Shakespeare’s underlying concern is introduced in the fourth line of the play, “When the battles lost and won”.  It is impossible for the same battle to be both lost and won, it is a contradictory verse.  But the witches were not talking about just one battle, they meant that Macbeth would win the first battle but lose gravely in the long run.  He will lose his soul.  Another contradictory verse is at the end of the ...

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