The form and structure within "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

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The form and structure within “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is very complex at times but equally effective upon the reader. There are many complicated concepts to consider which have made the play what it is; one of the most original, magical, mysterious and thoroughly enjoyable ever written.

The division of the acts and scene was a key element to the build-up of tension, and introduction to the characters and their statuses. The first three scenes each have a different set of characters; Act 1 Scene1 - The Courtiers (who eventually split up into two separate strands and two sub-plots – The Courtiers and The Lovers) ,Act 1 Scene 2 – The Mechanicals and Act 2 Scene 1 – The Fairies. This is interesting as it establishes the three character groups before they merge. It establishes the three different stories and clearly separates them as they have a scene each. It is not until Act 2 Scene 2 that the three groups come together and create yet another story, as Puck, one of The Fairies, enters the same scene just after a conversation between Lysander and Hermia and later leaves after his monologue. Enter Helena and Demetrius.

The exposition through language is an important aspect of the play to explore. For me the most outstanding would be at the beginning of the play in Act 1 Scene 1 where Hippolyta says:

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        “Four days will quickly steep themselves in night;

          Four nights will quickly dream away the time.”

This is a clear reference of her and Theseus’ wedding and is the context of this particular strand – the Courtiers. This extract uses parallelism starting with ‘four days’ and then ‘four nights’ and the repetition of ‘four’ emphasises the particular length of time. All of the action in the play takes place over four days and four nights. The very fact that the play only takes place over four days, or four nights, although there isn’t a dull moment throughout ...

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The writer has made a range of good points about form and structure: 1. The juxtaposition of acts and scenes for dramatic effect. However comment is restricted to the beginning of the play only. 2.Use of Parallels. This could be extended to include contrasts as well as parallels - contrasting settings, contrasting social status of characters, contrasting kinds of humour and so forth. 3. Comments on language use such as songs. This section could be developed by a more wide-ranging exploration of how blank verse and prose are used in the play, and how the language of the fairies contrasts with the language of the humans.