This essay will thoroughly canvass the main themes of Hamlet and Macbeth, and will evaluate, with profound tending, which are the points that the two of them have in common and which are those that show contrast.

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Hamlet vs. Macbeth

William Shakespeare

By: Inés Tovo

William Shakespeare is probably regarded as one of the most significant and transcendent writers of the entire human history. His writings are a legend of the past, and emblem of the Renaissance literature in England, which endured all throughout the course of time. They still live among us, and even if the world has changed, Shakespeare’s plays are still part of most of the people’s book shelves and college libraries. Shakespeare is a versatile author, he has written sonnets, plays and poems, and has even performed some of his plays on some of the most famous theatres of that time, such as The Globe.  Among his plays, Hamlet and Macbeth, which are both tragedies, are considered Shakespeare’s masterpieces.

Oftentimes in literature, in order to understand a writer’s work, it is necessary to compare it with other writings of the same period.  This can give us a deeper insight on the writer’s intention and on the real “message” of the play or novel; and can even help us to analyze the different perspectives in which a work can be interpreted. In this case, these two tragedies can be easily compared, as they shared similar characteristics, which are typical of that time, while at the same time they differ in certain aspects.

This essay will thoroughly canvass the main themes of Hamlet and Macbeth, and will evaluate, with profound tending, which are the points that the two of them have in common and which are those that show contrast.  

To begin with, it’s crucial to have a basic notion on what each play is about. Macbeth, is the story of a man, who is in fact the one who gives the name to the play, that finds out, by pure action of the supernatural (The Three Weird Sisters), that he will become Thane of Cawdor and then King of Scotland. These ghostlike characters play a vital role on the play, as they predict what will happen in the future and are, in a way, the ones who stir up Macbeth’s over-ambition. After this bizarre encounter, Macbeth is given the title of “Thane of Cawdor” as it was predicted by the witches. This brings up doubts on Macbeth’s mind, and then he slowly starts to rely on the witches prophecies. As a result of the prophecies, curiosity of how he could be King of Scotland aroused on Macbeth. He tells his wife about what happened and they finally decide to plan a conspiracy against the King. Spurred on by Lady Macbeth, the Thane of Cawdor murders King Duncan while on a visit to his castle. Duncan’s sons, Malcom and Donalbain, escape, and Macbeth assumes the crown. While the story twists and turns, Lady Macbeth loses her reason and dies. Macduff, the Thane of Fife, joins Malcom and attack Macbeth with an army. The story finally ends with Macduff killing Macbeth and Malcom being hailed King of Scotland.

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In the case of Hamlet, it is a play that tells the story of a young prince whose father recently died. His uncle, Claudius, marries his mother and takes the throne. Hamlet, meets the ghost of his dead father, who relates the circumstances of the murder and demands vengeance. After a blood-thirsty plot inspired by “revenge”, almost everyone in the play ends up dying, Ofelia (Hamlet’s love), Polonius, Laertes, Gertrude, Claudius, and even Macbeth.

        What is particularly interesting to analyze in this essay, is that both plays revolve around the dichotomy appearance-reality. This can be seen in Hamlet, for ...

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