Writing in a similar style to Owen's 'Dulce et Decorum Est', Siegfried Sassoon also decided to attack figures of authority and those with no direct experience of trench warfare via 'Base Details'.

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Writing in a similar style to Owen’s ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’, Siegfried Sassoon also decided to attack figures of authority and those with no direct experience of trench warfare via ‘Base Details’.

‘Base Details’ is entirely speculative. The word ‘base’ in the title has two distinct meanings. It could be used as a noun, to mean ‘place’, as in a centre of operation; or you could interpret the word as an adjective meaning ‘morally low or unacceptable’. Sassoon has used play on words in the title so that the reader may more adequately perceive the irony and sarcasm expressed in this poem.

The adjectives used in the first two lines of ‘Base Details’ reflect the author’s perception of his superiors:

If I were fierce, and bald, and short of breath,
I’d live with Scarlet Majors at the Base,

The first line indicates that Sassoon is contemptuous of these officers. He has classed the Majors as unpleasant stereotypes, to be criticised and jeered at.

In the following line, the word ‘scarlet’ has a double meaning. On face value, it could be taken to mean that the officers have bright red cheeks. However, Sassoon has used the word as a metaphor, meaning that the Majors have been metaphorically splattered with the blood of the young men they had sent to the front line to die. The stanza continues:

And speed glum heroes up the line to death.

Here, ‘speed’ indicates haste. The Majors are unnecessarily rushing soldiers to their deaths. The soldiers are referred to as ‘glum heroes’ because that is exactly what they are. Their country is expecting them to be noble, intrepid and courageous. Instead they are despondent because they know that as soon as they are out of the trenches their grisly demise could come about at any second. All the hope, joy and energy that is a part of youth has vanished from these men. Sassoon then regales us with further speculation thus:

Join now!

You’d see me with my puffy petulant face
Guzzling and gulping in the best hotel,

The first thing we notice about these two lines is that Sassoon has used alliteration in order to make more of an impact on the reader, and to vary his writing style. Also worth noting is the fact that Sassoon uses rhyme throughout ‘Base Details’ to good and memorable effect.

Saying that the Majors are ‘puffy and ‘petulant’ indicates incredulity on Sassoon’s part, similar to that conveyed in the first lines of the poem. The phrase ‘guzzling’ and ‘gulping’ indicates greed, and animal-like actions. ...

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