Development through life stage

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Development Through the                                                 Vanessa Addo

Life Stages (Unit 4)


Describe the potential influences of 5 life factors on the development of individuals.

For this assignment, I will prepare a PowerPoint on one of the Life factors to share with the class. We will be looking at five main factors that influence the individual development. From the note taken in class, I will then write a report by describing each of the four life factors.

As an individual, there are many life factors that influence our development. These life factors are:

  • Genetic factors
  • Environmental factors
  • Socio-economic factors
  • Life style

The general topic that is related to these life factors are nature and nurture. We can be genetically and environmentally influenced.

Genetic factors and biological influences before birth

Every individual has a gene, which is the basic unit of heredity. We all depend on genes. It holds the information to build and maintain an organism’s cells and also passes genetic traits making a new person. Genetic is passed on to us from our parents. For example, nature could be eyes colour, hair, and IQ. Even though, half of our gene comes from our mother and half from our father, still our genetic patterns can be different from our parents. However, regardless of any serious genetic conditions being incurable can be maintained in order to live a healthy. For example, people who are born with PKU in the UK can go on to leave healthy lives. 

Recently, babies are being tested for PKU due to the fact that there are alternatives which could be used in order to control the condition. This is done by giving them a control diet, which will maintain the condition for it not to result in danger.  For example if two parents carry the gene of cystic fibroses, their child will inherit the gene, making the child prone to the illness. This shows how we are genetically influenced. As an individual, we are influenced by the environment of our mother’s womb during the stage of pregnancy. This has a great impact on a child’s development. The lifestyle of a mother, who smokes or drinks during pregnancy have effect on foetus development. Children who are born by mother who smokes and drinks tend to weigh less at birth. They may have difficulties regarding attention and learning school. Drugs can also have the same effect on development.

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Sometimes pregnant women who are immune to infections, such as rubella can attack the foetus if the mother becomes more infected. It can be a very dangerous illness during first month of pregnancy. When mother is highly infected, this is the period when the baby is the born with impairment. For example, hearing and eye sight damage.  

Environmental influences

The environment affects as in so many ways. It can influence development and contributes towards ill health. Poor sanitation and air pollution in some areas results in life threatening diseases, such as cholera. Recent, outbreak of ...

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Here's what a teacher thought of this essay

This is a good essay that discusses factors that affect development. It lacks a little in depth and often states factors rather than describing them and the impact they could have on health. The main factors are included but the work could be greatly enhanced by explaining how they actually affect health and well being. ***