Development through life stage

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Development Through the Life Stages                                                          Vanessa Addo

Unit 4


Discuss the nature and nurture debate in relation to individual development.

For this assignment, I will be discussing the nature and nurture debate in relation to individual development. For example, discussing how nature and nurture influence the development of a feral child.

Nowadays, it is accepted that most aspects of an individual’s development are mostly a result of the relations of both nature and nurture. In both side of the debate nature or nurture, theorists have argued that we are born to be the way we are. Others have also argued that is the way we are brought up and influenced by our surroundings that makes us the way we are. Nature is known, has genetics. It is the genetic code which we are born with. Genetic is passed on to us from our parents. For example, nature could be eyes colour, hair, and IQ. Nurture is the social, economic and environmental factors that influence us.

Nature vs. Nurture debate has been debated between philosophers and theorist whether we a mostly influenced by genetic or environmental factors. This debate is about how a person’s life is determined by their inherited genetics and how much is determined by the environment they grow up in. For example if two parents carry the gene of cystic fibroses, their child will inherit the gene, making the child prone to the illness. This shows how we are genetically influenced.

The environment can have a great impact on an individual’s development.  It been shown that fears, through the experiences of children can be learned through the environment. Some behaviour if not learned from the environment, will never be developed. For example, making friends is mostly affected by the environment we are breed in. Genetics and environment interact to determine exactly how inherited is expressed. For example, if an individual has tall parents, it is likely that the individual will also grow to be taller. However, the exact height the person reaches can be influenced by environment factors such nutrition and disease. 

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For example during the 1900s Nauru Island population was diagnosed with diabetes. Nauru Island is in the specific ocean. They live on fish diet, catching fish with their natural resources. The Western nurses came on the Island and bought in sugar, burger etc. Suddenly these group of population developed diabetes, has they were pre disposition to diabetes but has they change their diet they then developed the illness. 8 out of 10 were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. This shows that everyone has pre disposition to something of our diet we don’t develop. Lifestyle can change the pre disposition of ...

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