Eating Disorders - Causes and Effects

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Eating Disorders

The most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN). There has been a large increase in sufferers in the last 20 years.

Anorexia Nervosa

According to the DSM there are four criteria for AN

  • Weight-must be less than 85% of expected
  • Anxiety-Intense fear of becoming fat
  • Body image distortion-Individuals perception of their body weight is distorted
  • Amenorrhoea-The absence of menstruation

90% of patients are female and usually starts in adolescence.

The increase in frequency in the western world is probably due to media emphasis on slimness.

About 5% of sufferers die from starvation.

Bulimia nervosa

Criteria for BN

  • Binge-numerous episodes of binge eating in which too much food is eaten in little time
  • Purge-Frequent inappropriate compensatory behaviour to prevent weight gain, e.g. self induced vomiting, excessive exercise
  • Frequency-The above behaviours occur at least twice a week over a 3 month period
  • Body image-Individuals self evaluation depends excessively on weight
  • Distinct condition-Binge eating and compensatory behaviour do not occur only during episodes of AN
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Mostly confined to women, 5% of sufferers are male. Most patients are in their 20’s. the self induced vomiting can produce medical side effects e.g. enamel erosion changes level of potassium and sodium in the bodily fluids. These changes can be life threatening

There is overlap between the two disorders but there are important distinctions such as the tendency of anorexics to strive for perfection, but bulimics are trying to satisfy a constant craving. BN is more common than AN in western society. AN sufferers are within 10% of their normal weight BN sufferers it is 15%.


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