How the communication cycle is used to communicate difficult, sensitive and complex issues.

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How the communication cycle is used to communicate difficult, sensitive and complex issues.

The communication cycle briefly covers each stage and all aspects that needs to be covered, however when you are communicating with a vulnerable receiver there is more to be considered. You need to think about each individual stage in more depth; what sort of setting, what tone of voice, what your body language is saying and consider proximity.

If you are delivering bad news a busy setting is not appropriate, you need to arrange a quiet and confidential area where you can give them your full attention and the receiver has the opportunity to ask any questions.

You need to get your tone of voice right, too low could convey the message that there is no hope, and however too high could lead them to think that you are not concerned or supportive of their situation.

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Body language can tell someone more than your words, if you are avoiding eye contact and holding yourself they may not be convinced as to what your saying creating inconsistency.  

Proximity means how physically close we are to someone and where we position ourselves when communication. 15-45cm is intimate, 45-120cm is good friends, 1.2-3.5metres is acquaintances, and 3.5+ is public speaking. Depending on the situation depends on how you position yourself.

Idea occurs- I have just found out that a young couple are infertile and I need to tell them through one method of communication. At this point I ...

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