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“As obesity increases we are seeing more and more young people, some as young as seven, being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, previously only seen in those over 40. It won’t be long before we start seeing our children growing up and losing limbs and becoming blind as they develop the serious complications of having the condition.”

                                                — Cathy Moulton

        It’s everywhere you look, whether it be in magazines, newspapers or on movie screens, the availability of fast foods are rising each and every day. Our fast paced society is helping the fast food industries immensely. The world we live in today is a constant rush. Obesity and diabetes are becoming more and more of a threat to teens with every consumption of fast food they make. In 1970s fast food contributed to only two percent of a child’s daily meal. By mid 1990s this has increased to 10 percent of the daily meal of our children. Today one tenth of children aged between 2 and 5 years and 15% of children between ages 6 and 19 are overweight.  But is it their fault they are gaining weight, or could the constant rush of our society be contributing to their terrible health choices as well?

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        Everyday people are caught using the phrase “oh we’ll just get something on the road,” or skipping meals earlier in the day and eating more at the end of the day. Our society is in an unbalanced lifestyle. Studies found that people who ate fast food regularly were more likely to gain ten pounds than those who indulged less often. It showed that eating fast food several times a week can make a person twice as likely to contract diabetes. But is it really the fast foods that’s drawing these conclusions, or are people in our society making unhealthy choices ...

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