Obesity in America -research report.

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Obesity in America

Written by:

Christian Vaughan & Kameron Camp

Health: 5th Period  


Obesity is one of the highest leading preventable causes of death worldwide.  Obesity is found in all types of people, kids and adults.  Over the days this preventable medical condition has increased year by year to what it is today.  Obesity is usually caused by people having other problems like an eating disorder.  While people try to deal with these problems they may end after eating and having a poor diet for a long time.  There are Obesity solutions, but unfortunately people are not able to make proper use of the things that are given to them to help.  You might think that the government should come into the picture, but it’s not that simple.  There are already government sponsored organizations, but they don’t deal with the problem effectively and almost all of the organizations “overlap” each other with the methods that they use. Each solution has its own way of getting rid of the problem which contradict with another method that you have tried in the past, which is why all the methods “overlap” each other.  Also another thing that people don’t put into consideration is that everyone is different and everyone reacts differently to different solutions.

Why do most diets not work?  Well there is a saying that trying to teach adults is like trying to teach a cat to swim.  For most people the fact of having a diet or having to be on a diet just makes them want to disregard that diet.  When people get on a diet they think that they will be restricted on a strict schedule that won’t let them enjoy what they usually eat, like pizza for an example.  What they don’t know is that there are a plan that they can have that allows them to still eat what they enjoy if they stick to the diet plan.  You could get onto a plan that allows you to have one day of the week where you can have what you want to eat to an extent, but you only get the reward if you follow the plans of the diet.  Jeff Croswell (NASM Elite Trainer) said, “Most diets out there don't work long term because they are not made to be used for long term lifestyle changes.  If you really look at these diets they are designed to help you lose weight fast by cutting calories and portion sizes.  Most diets will not help you with your lifestyle.  One you just want to look at your lifestyle and make changes to your own diet to fit those needs.  Most of the time it is just cutting portions down in your diet and reducing some intakes of fat and carbohydrates.  Along with a healthy fitness program you will see the results you are looking for.”

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Three new studies say obesity rates across the world have doubled during the last three decades, even as blood pressure and cholesterol levels have dropped.  Researchers have found that adults in the U.S. have a much higher rate of obesity than Canadians, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC found that 34 percent of Americans are obese compared to just 24 percent of those from Canada when they analyzed data from surveys taken from 2007 to 2009. This study is the first time the CDC has compared American obesity rates with another country. The report ...

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