Obesity, physical activity and health

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The concept of obesity, physical activity and health is not a new one. But there is presently a universal concern the growing phenomenon of obesity and lifestyle which is now regarded as an epidemic! 'The 1980s and '90s witnessed and alarming increases in obesity across the globe (1). This epidemic has not been slowed by the new treatment strategies, leading some health professionals to doubt if they can help their patients. A recent audit documented wide variation in the management of overweight and obese patients in general practices in England and uncertainty about which treatments were most effective (2).

The question remains, what is obesity and overweight? The World Health Organisation defines overweight as a body mass index of 25.0-29.9 and obesity as a body mass index >30 (3). However, body mass index does not adequately characterise the distribution of the body fat, which is important because excess intra-abdominal fat is an independent predictor of health risk (4).

 Guidelines recommended measurement of waist circumference, which correlates with visceral fat and indirectly measures central adiposity. An increase risk to health is present when waist circumference exceeds 94cm (37 inches) for men and 80cm (32 inches) for women (1).

This definition of obesity and overweight revealed the fact that there is excess of energy stored in the body, but this positive energy becomes a concern if it poises health risk to life and well-being!

'Obese patients are easily identified, but patients who are mildly or moderately overweight may be overlooked' (4).

Thus, according to one worker who related 'obesity as a monumental dilemma affecting the health and well-being of the world's population' (5). I agree with this assertion!

This is due to the fact recently studies in the United States shows that 'the incidence of overweight and obesity in the United States and World wide has reached epidemic proportions' (6). The reasons for this escalation are multi-factorial.

Physical inactivity and poor diet have being identified as a leading cause of death in the United States. In 2000, about 400,000 deaths were linked to these behaviours (7). This figure represents a 33% increase in deaths attributable to these behaviours since 1990 and the prevalence of overweigh and obesity is considered to be the major mediator of this increase. If the trend of escalating overweight and obesity is not reversed in the near future, the combination of poor diet and inactivity may become the number-one cause of death (7).

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Over the past 25 years the prevalence of overweight or obesity doubled in American children ages 6 to 11 years of age and tripled in American adolescents' ages 12 to 17 years (8). A 75% relative increase in obesity in adolescents is noted from 1970 to the present and currently 25% of American adolescents are identified as being obese (9). The increase in childhood and adolescent obesity has resulted in increases in obesity or overweight in adults.

Approximately 80% of overweight adolescents become overweight adults. Recent research notes that the prevalence of obesity among Americans 18 to 29 years ...

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