p2- Social model of disability

Authors Avatar by rawez94 (student)

                Unit 26

        P2 describe models of disability

Social model of disability

The social model of disability is civil right base approach to disability; it was developed by disability people in the 80s and 90s. This model focuses on challenging and removing the barriers in front of disable people, barriers prevent disabled people from living full and active lives 

These barriers including:

Buildings are built that disabled people cannot get into.

Information is produced in ways that disabled people cannot benefit from.

Stereotyping disabled people prevent us from having the same opportunities as non-disabled people.

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Special services are created that keep disabled people segregated and cut off from everybody else.

Social model of disability is exciting because it shows how to give equality to disable people  

Challenging stereotypes and assumptions.

By giving disabled people full civil rights under law.

Creating buildings that are accessible.

Producing information in accessible formats

Ending segregated services.

Allowing disabled people to do things for themselves

The social model has been developed by disabled people. In their view disability is caused by the barriers that exist within society and the way society is organised, which discriminates against ...

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