Describe Chinas economy and society in the late 1940s and late 1950s.

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China: The Great leap forward coursework assignment one.

  1. Describe Chinas economy and society in the late 1940s and late 1950s.

 In October 1949 the communists came to power as the people’s republic of china the first three years was a time of great change that affected practically all Chinese people. The civil war between the Communist and the Guomindang which started in June 1946 when a million Guomindang troops launched a great offensive in north china, and ended in October 1949. After that the only part of china not under communist control was the island of Taiwan, Chiang Kaishek retreated to the island, along with 200,000 Guomindang troops as well as Chinas gold reserves. From then on until his death in 1975, Chiang Kaishek ruled Taiwan as the ‘republic of china’, beyond the reach of any communists. The civil war had a huge impact on Chinas economy; three years of war had taken many peasants away from their fields and had destroyed countless dams, irrigation systems, canals and roads. This reduced the amount that was grown and sold. And the population was growing about 15 million year, so there were more mouths to feed than before. In the cities civil war had destroyed the transport, telecommunications and energy systems. Unemployment was high, runaway inflation had made money worthless. Most public officials had grown used to bribery and corruption under Chiang Kaishek’s rule, so local governments were slow and inefficient.

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Then there was still the threat of Chiang Kaishek, with his 200,000 troops and much of Chinas gold reserves in Taiwan, would try to invade mainland china. But the greatest problem was the one that, over the last fifty years, had defeated the Manchu dynasty, sun Yatsen and Yuan Shikai, the warlords and the Guomindang: the problem of holding china together as a united country.

 The first project of the communists after coming to power was to reorganise the government of china. They began by grouping the country’s eighteen provinces into six regions. In each region they set up ...

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