Describe the conditions that rule a war a "Just War".

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Louise Blacklock 10V3

Essay on War

  1. Describe the conditions that rule a war a “Just War”.

In the 13th century a Christian monk named Thomas Aquinas drew up some conditions that could be used to make a decision about whether a war is just or not. First Aquinas laid down three conditions and these were later added to.

The first three conditions were conditions that could be decided quite easily but one needs the war to have finished before the decision can be made. The first condition states: “The war must be started and controlled by the authority of the state or ruler.” This condition has a yes/no answer and this can make the decision easier. The war is either controlled or not. The authority of state is usually a government, elected or not, so one assumes they can control the war. There is nothing to say that because it is being controlled it is right. The controller may want a war and so will not object is the war becomes advanced and once it does the controller may loose control.  

The second of the three conditions states: “There must be a just cause; those attacked must deserve it.” This condition also has a yes/no answer; there is a just cause or there is not. This can make the decision easier though different people may think different things. An example for this is the current situation in America. George bush feels that the people who attacked America deserve to be attacked themselves and so now he is bombing Afghanistan. Others disagree with this and say that was not Afghanistan that attacked America but it was the Taliban. Who is right and who is wrong? This condition does not make the decision easier because you have to take into account many views as America today shows.

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The third condition states: “The war must be fought to promote good or avoid evil. Peace and justice must be restored afterwards.” There are two parts to this condition. This condition says that the war must promote good or avoid evil. It is difficult to promote good through a war as many people regard war as an evil. Avoiding evil through war can be easier but still this can backfire. In World War Two, Britain attacked Hitler to prevent him carrying out evil, this did not work and caused more evil, this is through hindsight but the decision is ...

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