Explain why the United States became increasingly involved in the war in Vietnam.

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Explain why the United States became increasingly involved in the war in Vietnam.

America became increasingly involved in the Vietnam War due to many important reasons, the most important was that Americas hated communism and USA needed to contain it.

Many U.S politicians came to believe in the “Domino Theory” that was brought up by Eisenhower in 1954.

You have a row of dominoes set up.  You knock the first over, and …. The last… will go over very quickly… Asia, after all, has already lost 450 millions on its people to communist dictatorship, and we simply can’t afford greater losses”

Throughout these years the USA could have withdrawn and stopped giving aid to South Vietnam, but did not, as the Presidents wanted to maintain their stature and not let Russia think they were weaker.

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From 1946 the Vietminh fought heavily with France. They fought using Guerrilla warfare and this suited the environment and gave the Vietminh the advantage.

In 1954 the Vietminh defeated the French In the battle of Dien Bien Phu. This caused the French to leave Indo-China. The Geneva peace agreement led to the temporary partition of Vietnam. Elections were to be held in1956 in which the Vietnamese could vote for their leader.

The Vietminh leader Minh controlled North Vietnam and Bao Dai Controlled South Vietnam; he was disliked and was ousted by Diem.

Diem was a Nationalist and was ...

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