General Trotsky contributed to the success of the Bolsheviks by winning the support of the army. He did this by removing Kerensky and Kornilov.

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Abdul Mufti                                                                                History Coursework

10. F

Assessment objective 1

Q A:

General Trotsky contributed to the success of the Bolsheviks by winning the support of the army. He did this by removing Kerensky and Kornilov. Trotsky, who was the leader of the Red Army, had overthrown the provisional government thus leading the Bolsheviks to power. On 6th November Leon Trotsky and the red guards took control of the post offices, state bank and the bridges on the evening of 7th November the red guards stormed the winter palace without much opposition.

Kornilov was not able to maintain control of the army so the army turned over to the Bolsheviks where Leon Trotsky controlled them.

Kerensky unpopularity was shown when there were no massive demonstrations demanding the return of Kerensky and his ideas.

Trotsky was dedicated to the revolution even though many thought that this was the wrong way to change Russia. Trotsky contributed most to the Bolshevik success in February 1918. He contributed by negotiating peace with Germany. This is when the treaty of Brest-Litovsk was issued.

This treaty was a severe blow to Russia, as it took lots of land and there was a fine of 300 million gold roubles. The treaty also took 25% of the population, 27% of Russia’s farmlands, 26%of its railways and 75% of its iron ore.

“The Bolsheviks won mainly because they were disciplined and because Trotsky led the army brilliantly.”

This statement shows the importance of the army. Because without it Trotsky and the Bolsheviks would have failed.

On December 20th, Lenin and Trotsky set up the Cheka. The Cheka was a secret police that was formed to deal with spies and to capture people who were against them; this was a form of propaganda.  Setting up this secret police meant that the people were controlled.

Trotsky sent instructions for requisitioning food from peasants. He got the food from force, the force was his army, and this was war communism.

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Trotsky used the Red Army and the Cheka to make sure that no one in Bolshevik controlled areas co-operated with the whites. The whites were the Mensheviks. This helped the Bolsheviks stay in control; he quite often used the Red Army and the Cheka as a form of propaganda.

The army was a tool that helped them stay in power. He used this tool when the social revolutionaries won the open elections. He used the army to close down the constituent assembly and then set up a new party, this party was for the peasants, so this was like a ...

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