Who Was Mostly To Blame For The Cold War

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Who Was Mostly To Blame For The Cold War?

It is unclear exactly when the cold war began but most historians agree it started at the end of the Second World War (1945) and ended in 1991. The cold war was a war between the U.S.S.R and the U.S.A along with its allies. It was also a war between communism and capitalism. In this essay I will be looking at why I think both sides were to blame for the cold war.

The U.S.A played a part in starting the cold war. After the war the U.S.A became very wary about Communism and U.S.S.R expansion. The U.S.A was unhappy about soviet troops encamped in Eastern Europe but did not want to start a full scale war with the U.S.S.R. So the Americans decided to do nothing and friction grew between the two super powers. I think friction grew mainly because of difference in opinions and the lack of communication between the U.S.A and the U.S.S.R. I also think the Americans were far too aggressive against the expansion of communism. I think they felt threatened but who was to say that their own capitalist way of running a country was right. This must have angered the soviets who were eager to see the spread of communism infiltrate Eastern Europe and other states. The U.S.A also went behind the Soviets backs at the end of the Second World War and tested out a nuclear bomb in an American desert. The U.S.S.R had not been told about these plans to make such a destructive weapon and felt betrayed by their old allies. I think this broke down the trust between the two nations and friction mounted once again.

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The U.S.S.R was also partly to blame for the cold war. During World War Two the Russians had liberated countless countries in Eastern Europe. But instead of removing their troops at the end of it all they kept their troops encamped in Poland and various other countries in Eastern Europe. Although the U.S.A eventually agreed to letting the Soviets do this they were still displeased with what was going on. The U.S.S.R also decided to implement a communist government in Poland and aided other communist parties trying to take control f their countries. This enraged the Americans more than ...

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